Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2022


“God tirelessly plays dice under laws which he has himself prescribed.”

Albert Einstein

I would add on to this: God plays all tables and at some he wins big.

Let’s summarize what we have learned about time dilation areas in our Universe: they are abundant, vary in size, can vary in “boost” that provides a barrier level, and they can be stealth:

For details check please SPIRAL GALAXIES AND no-no DARK MATTER

and TIME DILATION = REDSHIFT, and no-no Big Bang.

And we have learned that slower time can switch off some processes and faster time can switch on some processes. And in the past, time was slow, and it speeds up since. Let’s go back in time when it was so slow that almost no process could run, and there was no output from any processes — neither matter or antimatter, nor even light. There was space only and mist of time (picture below):

Then at some moment vacuum fluctuations started (actually, they were always there, but happening at lower probability), particles and antiparticles randomly get produced and get annihilated. Large differences in time speed (Time Dilation) spawn matter: “Vacuum” is “unstable” — “virtual” particle-antiparticle pairs appear, but next moment they disappear — annihilate. But uneven flow of time in an area throws this balance off — some pairs miss rendezvous — miss coming back together into “vacuum”.

In the text below ^ symbol stays for math power: 2^3 = 2³ = 8.

Even if probability of quantum fluctuation (particle-antiparticle production) is close to zero P₀ = (1 / Zillion^Zillion) per cubic parsec per second. Even for such infinitesimal probability P₀ = 0.000………………001 that is still greater than 0:

1) Since Spacetime is infinite both in space and in time, that means probability P = 1 at any moment for all the space (because P₀ is multiplied by infinite number cubic parsecs in space), and P = 1 at any cubic parsec if take enough time (because P₀ is multiplied by infinite number of seconds).

2) This process is very random, coming with irregularities of time in space, and such irregularities help in two ways:

  • “Positive boost” at the timezone borders helps in pulling particle pair apart
  • “Negative boost” (check out what happens with velocity V₃ in the first drawing) helps to collect some stuff in the slower time grey areas

Does not matter how long or how intensive this process was and maybe still is, does not matter that most of real particle pairs annihilated into real photon pairs — sourcing Cosmic Microwave Background, and does not matter that most matter and antimatter annihilated in white common area and in the most of grey areas (at the picture above). What matters is that in some (let say Zillion) grey bubbles out of all Zillion^Zillion grey bubbles matter prevailed, and in some of them matter prevailed a lot, and in some other grey bubbles antimatter prevailed. Now God won because he played Zillion^Zillion tables, and not the only one table like we tried before, in the chapter about Black Holes, where the only table was our Universe.

We find ourselves at one of such matter-won tables — that is our Universe. Just by looking a single level up, I have succeeded in explaining matter excess in our Universe and where is the antimatter’s asylum. That is enough for the task in hand, but let me take you further to see even bigger grand design, if we need to consider some chain of the processes having dependencies on the outputs of the prior processes. Actually, number of grey bubbles is not Zillion^Zillion but it is infinite. That means if some process succeeded only at zillionth part of these grey areas, it is still infinite number of grey areas with success — infinity divided by Zillion, meaning in every Zillionth bubble. So, if there is a need to run next process that has a low but still positive probability of success 0.0000…01 and it requires output from some previous processes, still we have infinity of tables with output from the previous processes multiplied by probability 0.0000…01 — that will still give infinite number of tables at which the process will succeed. So, it is doable. Such mechanism can produce almost anything improbable out of whatever improbable.

Now Spacetime looks like Multiverse and there is infinite number of Matter Universes, one of which is our, and infinite number of Antimatter Universes.

What about CMB — Cosmic Microwave Background? Most likely it comes from annihilation, and not from Hydrogen formed in our Universe, because our Universe is finite, and “light from Hydrogen atoms’ formation” left/crossed our Universe long time ago.

Can light travel between Universes? We saw that light is mostly reflected back, and the tiny fraction of light that come out is dissipated over a half of Spacetime and it is redshifted. But answer is yes.

Can object travel between Universes? Most likely it cannot get out of its Universe due to a negative boost, and even if it can, at a timezone border (it has to cross borders twice — his and our) it will be destroyed if boost is relativistic. (In the first chapter, we saw that our Universe had redshift Z = 11 in the past. Z = 11 can give relativistic boost close to the speed of light (2Z + Z²) / (2 + 2Z + Z²) * c = 143/145 * c = 0.986*c. Even for Z = 1 boost is 0.6*c).

What is the size of our Universe? Much more than 32 billion light years. Some zeros should be added at the end.

Are there Galaxies farther than 32 billion light years away from us in our Universe? Yes, but we don’t see them yet: some of them already lightened up, but light have not reached us yet; and some of them have not lightened up yet. Remember — long time ago time was very slow, and processes in Spacetime are switched on when time is fast enough.

Are there dark stars and dark galaxies a few billion years from us, or even at closer neighborhood? Yes, and again of two types. They are just not heavy or not dense enough — do not have critical mass to lighten up. Or vice versa — they are too dense or dead (that we discussed in the chapter about Nearly Black Holes). But because time speeds up, they will lighten up at some point of time in the future.

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