Extraordinary Stabilizing Power of Time Dilation

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2022


“Strong nuclear force” is strong because 10-fold dilation of atomic clocks increases the atomic lifetime 100,000 times.

In my previous article Materials Used in Flying Saucers we discussed element 115 and Germanium-75, which are highly unstable, and the solution for their stabilization via time dilation of the atomic clock. But here is the problem: to make these atoms really stable we need to increase their lifetime dramatically (“half-life” is the official term, which denotes the time period at which half of such atoms decay). Intuition tells us that we need to slow down the atomic clock billion times. But we will see that slowing down the atomic clock only 100 times will increase the atomic lifetime 10 billion times.

In another story When Flying Saucers Meet Matter and Collide with Objects we discussed that any object, which crosses a border between two timezones (meaning in one area time runs D-times slower than in the other area), will receive boost = c-2c/(D²+1), where c denotes the speed of light. Direction of the boost is perpendicular to the timezone’s border. When crossing goes from the faster timezone to the slower timezone, the boost is positive (speed increases, by Einsteinian formula for adding velocities). When crossing goes from the slower timezone to the faster timezone, the boost is negative. But if the object’s speed is not enough to overcome the negative boost, then the object bounces back symmetrically at the same speed:

In “Chapter 18. BOB LAZAR: GRAVITY AND STRONG FORCE” of my book, we discussed that such negative boost manifests as “strong nuclear force” that keeps an atom stable, with all its particles confined. Let’s do simple calculations and see how increasing time dilation D inside the atom increases its lifetime:

Only particles approaching the border at angle x < 2/D with near-light speed will cross the timezones border. In the picture below, only vectors of speed that start in the green area will cross the border:

Probability of a particle crossing the border at the point B (area/volume of the green zone at the picture above) drops at 1/D⁴ rate with D growing. Now, imagine the border of an atom/nucleus as some bubble wall, and a single nuclear particle bouncing of the walls of such bubble many times within its trajectory. With D growing (time slowing down D times inside the atom), for an external observer’s any fixed time period, the corresponding time period inside the atom reduces D times, and so is the path that particle makes over that time period. Thus, the count of how many times such particle hits the border drops D times. Probability of a particle crossing the atomic/nucleus border drops by D⁴ at any single point of the border (see the picture above). On top of that, the number of contact points with the border drops D times (the count of how many times such particle hits the border over the fixed for the external observer time period). Thus, probability of the particle crossing the border during the fixed for the observer time period reduces by 1/D⁴/D = 1/D⁵ factor, when D value grows. Probability of particles escaping the atom is the probability of the atomic decay. Because the number of the particles in an isotope is fixed, total probability of some particles escape is still ~1/D⁵. The isotope half-life (time at which half of atoms of the same type decay) is inversely related to the probability of decay, thus:

Lifetime of an atom increases by D⁵ factor,
when time dilation D (inside the atom) grows.

P.S. Besides time dilation, atomic decay depends on other factors as well: number of particles, particle types, etc. But in context of Materials Used in Flying Saucers, resolving D-dependency is enough, as we talk about particular isotopes.

