Inside Bob Lazar’s Craft As a Physicist (Part 1)

Gravity and Time

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
4 min readMar 12, 2024


Second as unit of time is local to an area: it is a time interval at which a light beam covers a distance ≈ 3×10⁸ meters in this area. Or to be more specific / more local, nanosecond is a time interval at which a light beam covers a distance ≈ 0.3 meters in the area.

In [1] I showed that gravity is determined by time dilation (aka time speed, aka local second) alone! Gravitational acceleration (usually denoted by letter g, and near the Earth g = 9.8 m/sec²) is tied to time dilation D by this simple formula:

g = — ( 0.5 c² / D² )' ,

where c ≈ 3×10⁸ m/sec is the speed of light constant, and ' is the derivative (by location, which will become clearer in the examples below). Physical meaning of D is time dilation, which determines the speed of time, for example:

  • D=1 stands for no time dilation; D=2 stands for twice slower time.
  • D=1.000002 near the Sun, meaning for 1 second passed near the Sun, 1.000002 seconds pass far from Sun, on the Earth, for instance.
  • Even near the Earth time slows down in comparison to time farther away from the Earth: D=1.0000000007 on the Earth, meaning for 1 second passed on the Earth, 1.0000000007 seconds pass far away from the Earth (for example on GPS and Geostationary satellites, which are not that far from the Earth, time difference already significantly affects the work of GPS: about 1.0000000005–1.0000000006 seconds pass on these satellites in 1 second on the Earth).

Let’s see how time dilation changes near the Earth for us: how differently time flows at our feet, at our waist, and at our head level:

  • at the distance of 0 meters from the Earth surface,
  • at the distance of 1 m from the Earth surface,
  • at the distance of 2 m from the Earth surface.

Change in time dilation from 0 meter to 1 meter distance, or from 1m to 2m, is given by D' × 1m= D'. Let’s find derivative of D near the Earth surface from what we already know:

D ≈ 1 near the Earth surface, and g = — ( 0.5 c² / D² )' =>

9.8 = — 0.5 c² ( — 2 D'/ D³ ) ≈c² × D' ≈9×10¹⁶ × D' =>

D' ≈ 9.8 / 9 × 10⁻¹⁶ ≈ 1.09 × 10⁻¹⁶

That means, for 1 second of time on our wrist watch or on a clock at our desk, about 10⁻¹⁶ sec less pass at our feet level, and about 10⁻¹⁶ sec more pass at our head level. Second (time unit) difference of 10⁻¹⁶ sec per meter of distance is responsible for gravity g = 9.8 m/sec², which is the gravity we all feel always.

In [2] we discussed reports on UFO accelerations of more than 1000 × g, which correspond to change in time speed of 1000×10⁻¹⁶ sec = 10⁻¹³ sec per meter of distance inside and near such aircraft:

In [2] we discussed that for the crew inside and for the craft itself not to be smashed or torn apart, acceleration of every part inside the craft should be the same at any moment of time. And since acceleration is proportional to derivative of D⁻², then D⁻² should be linear. If denote by X a position, measured in meters, from the center of the craft, and D(0)=1, then

D(X) = 1/sqrt(1+K×X), where sqrt is square root and K is a coefficient.

For very small coefficients K and not large distances X,

D(X) = 1/sqrt(1+K×X) ≈ 1–0.5×K×X, (because (1+δ)⁻ⁿ ≈ 1–n×δ for small δ),

and for the drawing above, with K = –2×10⁻¹³, and D(X) ≈ 1+10⁻¹³×X :

  • D(1m) = 1+10⁻¹³ means that 1/D(1m) = 1/(1+10⁻¹³) ≈ 1–10⁻¹³ seconds pass at X=1m position, when 1 sec passes at the center of the craft. Time runs slower at X=1m position than at the craft center.
  • And D(–1m) = 1–10⁻¹³ translates into 1/D(–1m) = 1/(1–10⁻¹³) ≈ 1+10⁻¹³ seconds pass at X=–1m position, when 1 sec passes at the center of the craft. Time runs faster at X=–1m position than at the craft center.
👉 And that’s exactly how the craft works: it creates a distortion right in front of it, and the craft falls forward there.

This time dilation provides 1000 × g acceleration to the craft and the crew in a free fall manner — without tensions on the craft/crew whatsoever. And as we saw in [2], even erratic acceleration(s) do not break free fall / zero gravity experience as long as acceleration is the same for all parts of the crew and the craft bodies at any moment of time:

Our propulsion systems vs. UFO propulsion: 💥- tensions in a pair of nearby blue and red atoms.

👉 Part 2: The Fuel and the Reactor Core

[1] Time Energy Potential = 0.5 c²/D²
[2] UFOs Move by Snell’s Law Physics
[3] Part 2: The Fuel and the Reactor Core
[4] Part 3: Gravitational Engine as Thermoacoustic Engine/Acoustic Refrigerator

