Inside Bob Lazar’s Craft As a Physicist (Part 2)

Fuel and Reactor Core

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
7 min readMar 14, 2024


For brevity I refer to chapters in my free eBook [1], but the article can be read even without reading the book. Neither reading Part 1: Gravity and Time [2] is required for understanding this article.

Quick recap: In The Lazar Tape and Excerpts from the Government Bible Bob Lazar explained that heavy, but stable element 115 was used as fuel for the craft. About half a pound of it was put in the core of the gravitational engine. In more than a decade after this explanation, a few atoms of element 115 were synthesized, but the synthesized isotope was very unstable: its half-life was less than a second. Element 115 was not used in this craft like heavy Uranium elements are used in fission reactors or in nuclear bombs, nor it was used like Hydrogen heavy isotopes deuterium and tritium in fusion reactions.

It is useful for comparison to know that in the nuclear bomb that exploded over Hiroshima or Nagasaki only 0.7 grams of Uranium (Hiroshima bomb was charged with 20 kg of U235) or Plutonium (Nagasaki bomb was charged with 6 kg of Pu-239) were converted into energy, the rest became radioactive waste. And the most powerful Hydrogen bomb test explosion has converted about 1 kilogram of mass into energy.

Bob Lazar claimed that:

  1. Strong nuclear force is basically the same as gravity;
  2. Stable element 115 isotope has a swollen/enlarged gravitational/strong force field around its nucleus (watch his explanation);
  3. The craft engine amplifies the swollen gravitational/strong force field around these atoms to the scale of the craft (and its vicinity).
  • In [1, chapter 77] I explained that gravity is nothing but time dilation.
  • In [1, chapters 18, 27] I showed how strong force is time dilation too.
  • => That matches Bob Lazar’s fundamental claim #1!

Time dilation D has large values in nuclei of these atoms, and large D values increase element’s lifetime by D⁵ times [1, chapter 27]. For example, D=10 increases lifetime of the element by 10⁵, and D=100 increases lifetime of the element 100⁵ = 10 billion times, and so forth. High D value means slower time inside that element 115, meaning it comes from (was created in) slower time environment than ours. That is the reason for its stability (it does not radiate/decay like synthesized-in-our-time element 115 does). And high value of time dilation explains why these atoms are swollen: all forces / accelerations inside a slow time area drop by times (as measured in m/sec², see F=F(D)/D² in [1, chapter 83]), and because of that, nucleus radius increases (nucleus is less tightened by smaller force). That supports Bob Lazar’s claim #2.

The craft engine propagates high D-values from small area around swollen atoms to relatively low D-values in a larger area inside and around the craft:

In the previous section [2] we saw that time dilation D=1±10⁻¹³ (with less than a trillionth difference from D=1, where D=1 corresponds to no time dilation) at the scale of the craft is enough to provide 1000×g acceleration.

In An Extraordinary Beliefs Documentary: Bob Lazar Area 51 & Flying Saucers Bob provides some details on how this element 115 was machined (as “LA-1000” material) and plugged into the engine core. First, they cut a cone from a cylinder of stacked disks of element 115, then they cut at a very specific angle (not a vertical cut!) a flat “triangle” with a rounded corner out of this cone, and this “triangle” with its narrow angle pointing down is inserted into the engine core — “reaction tower”:

Fuel element-115 / LA-1000 flat triangle inside the “reaction tower”

Bob Lazar assumes that through the “drift tube”, which points at the rounded angle of the “triangle” (see above), element 115 “triangle” is bombarded / excited by protons (it is his guess, since nobody was able to look inside the working reactor — his predecessor died as a result of doing so). And there is a waveguide going from the above of the “reaction tower” to/through the craft roof, through which heart-shaped gravitational field is formed around the craft:

Waveguide over the reactor
Heart-shaped gravitational field around the craft

In reality there is no corona discharge as depicted in the picture above, which is just an artistic rendition of the shape of invisible gravitational field surrounding the craft.

Let’s ruminate on these details. Rounded angle indicates that the cone was sliced not through the cone apex, but next to it. Of all conic sections possible

All conic sections

only the parabola or hyperbola resembles a “triangle” with a rounded corner. To get a parabolic section, the cone should be cut at a very specific angle — parallel to the opposite side of the cone. And the height at which cutting starts is determined by the width of the section at the bottom: it should match the diameter of “reaction tower”, where it is plugged in. As for hyperbolic sections — any angle of cutting between the parabolic angle and the cone side, where it is cut, will do (see the picture below):

Perhaps, specific angle of cutting refers to cutting the parabolic section — there is a strong physical reason for parabolic section: parabolas possess useful “parabolic reflection” property — radiation from the focus of a parabola is reflected by the parabola into parallel to its axis direction (and vice versa — a parallel to its axis beam is reflected into the parabola’s focus)

Parabolic reflector

That can explain how radiation from the excited/bombarded focus is directed to the waveguide above. Number of stacked disks (of the same diameter) of element 115 determines the height and therefore the angle of the cone. That determines the height and the angle of the parabolic section, therefore its focus’s position when it hangs in the “reaction tower”. And that focus should be right next to the “drift tube” nose. Having various crafts (Bob Lazar mentioned 9 crafts of various sizes were in the S-4 hangar) suggests variation in sizes of “reaction towers” and therefore variation in element-115 “triangles”. Stacking element 115 discs should be convenient in specifying how many disks match a certain craft’s reaction tower. Bob Lazar mentioned element-115 melting point of 1740°C (3164°F), at which such disks can be fused together into a cylinder. And instead of measuring the width of the conic section at the bottom, spec might be showing at which seams cut (that along with a number of stacked disks would determine exact shape and thickness of the conic section):

Technical Spec in Extraterrestrial UOM (Units of Measure) — Disks

My explanation responds to Bob Lazar’s remark “this makes no sense anywhere” on the element 115 complex machining specification. The element 115 complex machining specification is actually functionally predetermined.

Bob Lazar mentioned they had a stockpile of about 500 lb. of those disks. Where were they planning to go that far (with 500 lb./9 crafts ≈ 55 lb. per craft and with 100% efficiency described by Bob in generating gravitational gradient — compare that with U-bomb or H-bomb inefficiency mentioned above)? All the way back to Zeta Reticuli 🤔!? Or did they have much bigger fleet of the crafts than the 9 crafts that Bob saw in S-4 hangar?

Disclaimer: Bob Lazar was not allowed to see the top floor of the craft, through which the vertical waveguide was going through. If the flow through this vertical guide was actually coming down from the top to the bottom, initiated by a device at the top floor, then the parabola of element 115 would have focused that vertical radiation from the above, and this radiation was to be syphoned away by “drift tube” nose. But this case is less plausible, because Bob said that they tested the dismantled and reassembled engine outside of the craft (without anything from the top floor).

Continue to Part 3: Gravitational Engine as Thermoacoustic Engine/Acoustic Refrigerator.

[1] Beyond Cutting Edge with Bob Lazar
[2] Part 1: Gravity and Time
[3] Part 3: Gravitational Engine as Thermoacoustic Engine/Acoustic Refrigerator

