Interesting Relativistic Invariant: Potential + v²/2 = c²/2

Reminds of classical mechanical energy conservation, right?

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters


Recent result in physics for time energy Potential = 0.5 c²/D², where D is time dilation, clearly shows that gravity is time pressure (time is quantum fluctuations, similar to temperature as Brownian motion, gravity is pressure from faster to slower quantum fluctuations), and it shows that there is no event horizon, where time stops and nothing can escape from, and it has explained UFO gravitational propulsion.

Let’s look at this formula for relativistic case, when an object moves at velocity v, and time slows down by factor D = 1/sqrt(1—v²/c²) inside the object. That is Einstein’s formula for relativistic time dilation, nicely presented by the protagonist in this episode:

Let’s substitute D with 1/sqrt(1—v²/c²) in the Potential-formula:

Potential = 0.5×c²/D² = 0.5×c²/(1/sqrt(1—v²/c²))² = 0.5 c²/(1/(1—v²/c²)) = 0.5×c²×(1—v²/c²) = 0.5×(c² — v²) = c²/2 — v²/2.

Thus, Potential = c²/2 — v²/2.

By moving v²/2 to the left, we get:

Potential + v²/2 = c²/2

Potential + v²/2, if multiplied by mass, resembles classical mechanical potential + kinetic energy, but with m×c²/2 on the right side, which is different from Einstein’s energy E = m×c².

Then what does it mean?

Answer is in the next article.

