New Perspective on Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2023


In Galaxies, Not the Big Bang, are Birthplace of Matter I explained how galaxies, including our Milky Way, appeared from nothing but space and time. Quick recap: time runs at different paces in different areas of the Universe; time was very slow in the ancient Universe, and when a blob of slow time was colliding as a projectile with another larger blob of slow time, it was literally/physically burning its path through, and the residue from time burning was matter! Such events should look like bolides:

This way matterless areas gained matter on the trail where the projectile went through. This way our Milky Way got its arms as the trails full of matter to form stars, especially in the center of the Milky Way, where time was the slowest/densest and burnt the most.

Now, to the first common element in Ancient Egyptian Creation Myths: “The god Atum was believed to have created the Universe by masturbating to ejaculation, in some other accounts, by sneezing or spitting”. Maybe “God’s spit” was a metaphor for a bolide, comprehensible to Ancient Egyptians.

“Another common element of Egyptian cosmogonies is the familiar figure of the cosmic egg, inside the primeval mound, from which the Sun god emerged, Sun rose for the first time.” Check current map of the Milky Way:

We see something like an egg at the center (astronomers call that bar or bulge) — it is the area where the most matter is, thus, the most probable place for stars’ birth, our Sun including.

Imagine sky view back then! Maybe those myths are not just a bunch of nonsense.

👉 Egyptian Pyramids Start Making Sense with a new technological insight into Ancient Egypt.

