Physical Answer to “What is Time?”

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2023


Time is neither abstraction nor perception. Some say it is about motion, but not exactly. Physically, Time is Quantum Fluctuations like Temperature is Brownian Motion. Quantum Fluctuations fill-in space everywhere outside, and everywhere inside atoms and particles:

We do not see these fluctuations like we did not see bacteria, viruses, atoms, particles. Time as Quantum Fluctuations is like a heartbeat of a CPU as physical time/clock for a computer, or like a pulse as physical time/clock for our body. We feel many effects of time, one of which is gravity, which is time pressure on each and every atom of our body: each atom gets pressured more from the above than from the below by these quantum fluctuations (elaborated below). Such a difference in time flow/speed is known as “gravitational time dilation” near massive objects like our Earth. More details in Simple quantum explanation of gravity without mass or math.

Besides that, every particle or atom is a bead of slow time, contained by the pressure of faster time from outside. Physics of such containment well explained in Extraordinary Stabilizing Power of Time Dilation. Mainstream calls that strong force, but Bob Lazar calls it “gravity A (Atomic)” vs. usual gravity B (Big). The only difference is in time dilation rates, which are huge in microworld and fairly small in macroworld.

Q&A: How does an atom know where its top and its bottom?
Time slows down near massive objects like the Earth, the closer to the Earth, the slower is time (actually/literally/measured: a second on the Earth is about a nanosecond longer than a second far away from the Earth). Thus, for each atom of the air or of our body, time is slower from the side, which is closer to the Earth — that is “the bottom” of the atom, and faster from the side which is farther from the Earth — that is “the top” of the atom. Thus, there are more (more often) quantum fluctuations at “the top” (where time is faster) than at “the bottom” (where time is slower). That pushes each atom to the Earth. That is why/how gravity is just time pressure.


