Refining the Big Bang Debunking Experiment

Alexandre Kassiantchouk Ph.D.
Time Matters
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2022


“Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

Stephen Hunt

In TIME DILATION AND REDSHIFT I suggested an experiment to prove that Hubble redshift comes from time speeding up. It is based on the fact that if a second becomes shorter, then the number of light harmonics (number of waves) decreases within a single second (and that is the reason of redshift). Clock used in the device for such experiment should be in sync with time of space for the duration of the experiment. Let me explain what that means first, and then I’ll adjust the experiment to work even with a clock that is out of sync with the space time.

By now you know that second in space is “defined” as the time for a light to travel 299,792,458 m. Or/and such second is “defined” as time at which some process in Caesium-133 clock gives 9,192,631,770 oscillations. But atomic time is autonomous from the time of space — time speed in an atom can be different from time speed in the environment/space, and time change rate in the atom and space can differ as well. Even worse: process in the Caesium-133 clock that creates such oscillations (or any underlying process in another atomic clock, or even non-atomic clock) might depend on atomic time partially only and on environment time partially as well (process can span over atomic and space scale). Thus, there is no reason to believe that time-in-space and time-in-clock change at the same rate over the time. In the first chapter experiment, we expect time speeding up at the rate of 1.00000000007 a year (or 1.0000000000002 a day, if we run an experiment within a day). That means, if clock used in the device for such experiment is in sync with spacetime always, then wavelength of light increases at the rate of 1.00000000007 a year (or 1.0000000000002 a day). But what happens if clock time (atomic time) does not speed up at all: we will “see” no wavelength change because at the beginning of the experiment we counted waves in 1 second, but at the end of experiment we will count waves in 1.00000000007 second — in a longer period than one second of spacetime. How to resolve this issue if that is the case? Speed of light constant comes to the rescue: at the end of the experiment, if measure the distance that light travels in “1 second of atomic clock”, which is “1.00000000007 seconds of spacetime”, we will “see” that light travels 1.00000000007*299,792,458 m in “1 second of atomic clock” at the end of experiment that lasts for a year (or 1.0000000000002*299,792,458 m for the experiment lasts a day). Duration of the experiment matters from tool precision perspective only — tools used in one-day experiment should be hundred times more sensitive than tools used in one-year experiment. Now we have two variables — rate at which time speeds up in space over the duration of the experiment — let’s denote it D(space), and rate at which time speeds up in clock used in the experiment — let’s denote it D(clock). We should double check the clock setup at the beginning of the experiment, by checking what distance does light travel in one second of clock-time. Let’s assume that a Caesium-133 clock is used, and at the beginning of the experiment (I would double check this value anyway) light travels 299,792,458 m (or whatever TD_START m) in 9,192,631,770 clock oscillations. Let’s say, light emitted in the experiment had WL_START wavelength at the beginning. Then at the end of the experiment we measure distance that light travels in 9,192,631,770 of clock oscillations — TD_END m, and we measure light wavelength WL_END as well. Four values should be noted as the result of the experiment:


These values are related through D(space) (rate at which spacetime speeded up in the experiment: if it stayed the same then D(space) = 1, if it slowed down then D(space) < 1, if it speeded up then D(space) > 1) and D(clock) (rate at which clock time speeded up: if it stayed the same then D(clock) = 1, if it slowed down then D(clock) < 1, if it speeded up then D(clock) > 1):

WL_END = WL_START * D(clock)

TD_END = TD_START * D(space) / D(clock)

Multiplying these two lines we get



D(space) = (WL_END / WL_START) * (TD_END / TD_START).

Type of the clock used does not matter. The same clock type should be used for wavelength measurement and speed of light measurement at the beginning and the end of the experiment. Duration of the experiment (day or year) should not matter, if instruments are precise enough to catch the difference between the beginning and at the end of the experiment. In the first chapter we assumed that


which means “speed of light does not change (for the clock used)”, meaning “clock time is in sync with space time during the experiment”. No such assumption on clocks anymore.

Read free eBook “Time Matters” in PDF, Amazon, Google.

