John’s Heavy Hardware: Destructive Power at Mid-Range

Let’s wreck some Panzers!

Time Raiders
Time Raiders®
4 min readMar 30, 2022



Are you ready to see what a REAL gun can do? None of that “submachine guns” stuff that Jason keeps talking about…

Nope, today we’ll have a look at the fun stuff — automatic, explosive, that kind of thing. Hope you brought enough ammo!

By the way, I’m John. Here’s my file, if you want to have a look. In short? I’m the guy with the big guns.

Assault Rifle: Bullets and Grenades

When a Gun and a Grenade Launcher love each other very much…

The weapon of the modern soldier! A proper rifle, with a properly sized magazine, capable of full auto. Effective at most ranges. Nothing to complain about!

Automatic rifles are alright… if you have nothing bigger at hand.

But here’s the thing: You can always upgrade what you have, especially if you’re a Time Raider.

And they did!

At some point, someone came up with an idea that couldn’t have been better: Let’s put more gun on our gun, why not attach grenade launchers to assault rifles?

I hope I meet this guy someday on my adventures, I’d love to shake his hand and thank him… or arm wrestle him!

Heavy Machineguns: Bring Ammo, lots of it

Oppressive firepower at over 1,000 bullets per minute

Some spend hours looking for targets and fire a single bullet. Do you know what I say to that?


Why spend minutes or more on a single bullet, when I could be sending 1,200 rounds per minute to the other side of the battlefield?

Let me introduce you to one of the fastest firing weapons in history: The MG42!

They built this frickin’ thing so that the barrel can be replaced quickly, do you want to know why? Because… you can get it glowing RED HOT if you press the trigger for long enough!

Tankblasters: The BIG Can Opener

Panzerschreck means tank scare… and they couldn’t have picked a better name

One day, very long ago, someone had an idea: “If I strap some metal to my body, I won’t die as easily.”

A few thousand years later, the first human tanks were born: Knights in full plate.

Problem is, full plate armor doesn’t stop bullets. Or grenades. So eventually, carrying the armor on your body was no longer an option… and the tank was born! A big box of heavy steel, rolling around on heavy tracks, with a big gun on top.

Very annoying to encounter those on missions. Well, it would be… if rocket launchers weren’t a thing!

Step aside David & Goliath, here come John & Panzer — nothing more satisfying than turning a tank into a smoking wreck with some heavy ordnance.

Hope you learned something today! But that’s it from me, for the moment.

Our sniper-nun Helen mentioned she’d like to tell you a bit about long-range weapons next, and that she has some kind of surprise… not sure what she meant by that.

And always remember: With great firepower… comes great FUN!

Follow us in this series to learn more about the Time Raiders characters, weapons, vehicles, and more.

About Time Raiders

The Greatest NFT Treasure Hunt of all TIME

Time Raiders is a Time Travel, Play-To-Earn NFT & Crypto Game.

Players travel through time and fight enemies to find loot. They can use these precious resources to power up their characters and weapons, craft new items, or sell them on the player-to-player market.

Everything in the game is an NFT that can be traded for Xpendium ($XPND), Time Raiders’ native in-game utility token.

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Time Raiders
Time Raiders®

Writing about the Greatest NFT Treasure Hunt of All TIME.