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Interest Rates

Times A Wastin
Times A Wastin
Is a new publication Edited by Arthur Bough. It aims to provide an insight on current events from a Marxist perspective. The name comes from the title of a Northern Soul favourite of the editor from the early 1970’s, by The Fuller Brothers, and sums up the fact of much to do.
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Inflation Stays High — Part 1 (3) Introduction

The latest data for the US, UK and EU, shows that, inflation stays high. The hype is that inflation is falling — which, of course, does not mean that prices are falling — but, inflation, like all economic phenomena, never moves relentlessly in one…

Fighting Inflation With The Wrong Tools

Central banks say they are committed to reducing inflation. To that end, they are raising their policy rates. That misunderstands inflation, and means they are using the wrong tools to deal with the problem.