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Tims Log
Tims Log
A Weekly work log, keeping track of the life and times of Tim Holman.
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Tims Log — #8

Log #8 — Keeping track of the life and times of Tim Holman.

Harrah, plenty of new things to share. Again, its been a very busy month! When it gets busy, the best thing I find to keep going, is to make smaller things, in your available…

Tims Log — #6

Log #6 — Keeping track of the life and times of Tim Holman.

First week back from the holidays… always good to take a break, and relax it out. This is probably my least productive log to date!

Tims Log — #5

Log #5 — Keeping track of the life and times of Tim Holman.

Wahoo, finished up my last week of “work work” for the year. Looking forward to a break!

  • Recorded a new episode of “OK” — The Silent Twins. Really…

Tims Log — #4

Log #4 — Keeping track of the life and times of Tim Holman.

Week 4, getting close to the end of the year now!

  • Started something new this week, a bumpers channel called “Ok”, plan is to fill it with smaller…