From Scott Adams:
In Iran you can vote for anyone for…
Here’s a question to contemplate this morning:
Why does anyone say that Sen. Sanders has a problem with “minority voters”? Even this somewhat sympathetic take from NPR this morning collapses in on itself a little by simply buying…
For my money, this was the best one out of the Tay Tweets-pocalypse that happened yesterday on Twitter:
A brave little theory, and actually quite reasonable, if we hadn’t already seen Rand Paul crater before Iowa had finished voting. I might have even gotten behind it myself before then.
The GOP without the South is a permanent minority party. Trading the South in the hopes of winning a few techno-libertarians in Silicon…
Via Ann Althouse. I offer this excerpt without comment:
The country of just 11.2 million people faces widening derision as being the world’s wealthiest failed state — a worrying mix of deeply rooted…
I’d love to see that. Maybe better if we get someone who knows how to relate to people to do the interviews, though?
Enough of these simpering tears, Europe, as your children are murdered once again by those that you welcomed in with the…
Apparently, Trump had this to say about Belgium:
“There is something going on, Maria,” Trump replied. “Go to Brussels. Go to Paris. Go to different places. There is something going on and it’s not good, where they want Sharia law, where they want this, where they…
In the first example of the Court’s post-Scalia jurisprudence on guns, the United States Supreme Court today threw out a Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court decision that stun guns were not covered under the meaning of…