photo by Victoria Heath via unsplash

Stop Reading Personal Finance Advice Articles.

Tip Yourself
Tip Yourself


I’m going to let you in on a secret of the personal finance world. You don’t actually need any more money advice.

Yep. You don’t need any new tips or tricks. You don’t need another money “hack”.

There’s no hidden secret to saving money that a blog post or book is going to reveal. At the end of the day, it’s about spending less that you earn and having clear priorities.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that it’s easy. It’s not, but the lack personal finance tips or tricks is not what’s holding you back.

You don’t need any more advice.

Honestly. You don’t.

Don’t believe me? It’s true.

Is this the first personal finance article you’ve ever read? I highly doubt it.

I’m sure you’ve read countless other articles on money and personal finance. If you know what the words budget, emergency fund, retirement, and debt mean…

You don’t need any more money advice.

Here’s why:

1. You know what to do, but it’s not going to be easy.

Be honest with yourself. You know what you need to do to accomplish your goals.

You may want to get out of debt, save for a vacation, or break the paycheck to paycheck cycle. You know what you have to do. You know the steps you have to take to reach that goal.

You’re just struggling to get started or to stay motivated. You’re not alone

Many of us often procrastinate on doing hard things by telling ourselves that we are still doing “research”. It’s common.

We fill our time reading advice blogs and books. We’re looking for some sort of quick fix or shortcut.

We try for a little while and then it gets hard and we quit. We go back to reading advice. We go back to looking for an easy answer.

There is no easy answer. You know what to do. Stop reading advice and get started.

2. You know yourself best

The challenge with money is that its tangled up in our emotions and impacts so much of our lives. Your personality, your motivations, and your habits all have an impact on your money.

That complexity makes it very hard for some personal finance writer to know what’s best for you. There are many different approaches to achieving your money goals. Only you know what will work best for you.

You have to be true to yourself. You’re not going to find a perfectly prescribed approach from someone else’s advice.

You know yourself best and you know what you need to do.

Even small steps are steps forward. They put you that much closer to your goal.

What you do need

You need a source of motivation and inspiration. You need to know deep in your bones that it’s possible. You need to know that you can do it.

It’s not going to be easy. There will be good days and bad days. There will be big wins and big setbacks.

When you fall down, you have to get back up and start again. That’s where your source of motivation and inspiration kicks in.

Find your motivation. Use it to keep you focused through the hard times. Remember why you started and know that you will be successful.

You don’t need any more money advice. You know what to do. Get started today.

#TipYourself #YouEarnedit

