9 Essential Software Tools To Boost Your Productivity

Jason Suriano
The Playbook
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2022

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a friend who made a full time shift to work from home.

Part of her role was to help her sales, marketing, and IT teams be more efficient.

She asked:

“Since you’ve been working from home for over 7 years, what type of software tools do you use to manage your team?”

I tried listing them all and realized that we use quite a few at TIQ Software.

But here are the top 9 tools I use (hopefully this is helpful).


Slack — our main communications hub. It’s like mission control for my entire team.

Grasshopper — a virtual phone system with a toll free number. I set up forwarding to our team members cell phones based on sales, support, etc.


MailChimp — we use Mailchimp to collect email newsletter signups and to deliver our newsletter.

Medium — we created this publication to help organize our thoughts and if you’re reading this, you know how awesome Medium is.


Trello — we track all of our project tasks and run our sprints including marketing, sales and account management with Trello.

Typeform — we use Typeform to collect end user feedback in both of our software products — Trajectory IQ and Quickify.

Zendesk — its tightly integrated help support feature means that we can triage all support tickets and deliver hundreds of helpful support articles in one place.

Graphic Design

Sketch — we use Sketch to setup all of our software templates. It’s useful and cost effective.

Invision App — we demo our design prototypes to our customers and they look and feel almost like the final product. It also integrates with Sketch.


We use a lot of automated tools and hopefully some of these are useful.

If you have any suggestions for some software tools we should check out, let me know in the comments!

That’s a wrap!

If you have any feedback or just want to say hi, please leave a comment.

Want to create something cool for your corporate training?

Visit TIQ Software: tiqsoftware.com
Send me an email: jason@tiqsoftware.com



Jason Suriano
The Playbook

MA Digital Humanities. 3x Founder. CEO @ TIQ Software. Creators of Qucikify AI LMS.