To Design, Advise…

María Spitaleri
To do things better
3 min readNov 19, 2014


and Inspire

About eight years ago, I decided to quit my job as an Art Director in an advertising agency and venture into the meticulous world of design studios. I expected that I could spend all the time I needed on each graphic design piece in order to make it perfect.

It was quite disappointing to find out that many of the vices I was trying to avoid in advertising agencies were the same in design studios. On the other hand, I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered a side of my profession I had never considered before: consultancy.

With some help, I‘ve learned that talking, writing and advising are as important as designing, though they demand different skills.

I didn’t imagine back then, that I would be able to enjoy some of the tasks that designers and consultants have, such as making design presentations or giving workshops and brand inductions. How would I get satisfaction by speaking in front of an audience? What if they didn’t believe me? What if they got bored? What if I couldn’t inspire anyone?

“When in doubt, be yourself.” Simon Sinek

It is well known that we learn by practicing. A few years of experience have allowed me to gather some rules that I try to keep in mind when I am performing any of those tasks. The immediate target is to get truly connected with the people in the room. The final goal, to inspire them.

· I try to be clear and make it simple

If we want to be connected, we need to understand each other. Not everyone in the audience is a designer. I try to use few design terms and only when they are needed, I introduce them with an easy definition so that everyone can fully understand my story.

· I don’t want to be right

I just want to present a point of view and inspire others so that they also want to share it. If I make a mistake during the presentation, I don’t hesitate to admit it. When I am authentic my speech is consistent and results are better.

· I listen

Have you ever found yourself drawing up an answering before someone finished asking you a question? I have. Once you can realise you are doing that, you just need to fix it. Listening carefully before I speak and even making a pause to think help me work out the answers in order that they turn to be truly useful.

· I am prepared to change the course of the show

I know where I want to go but I don’t insist on getting there by following always the same route. My previous rule (to listen) is essential for taking the presentation to an inspiring place.

· I believe what I say

Simon Sinek says that when we speak about what we love or what we are passionate about, the audience can feel our energy. Design is a part of what I do every day and a passion for me. I hope my audience can feel it.

I am a Designer and Consultant, passionate about design, brands, communication… and how they affect our daily life. I am convinced that taking a critical approach to what we do, encourages us to do things better.

