NFT Market

Background, Mission and Technical details about the Toast NFT Market

7 min readOct 5, 2021



🎉 We’ve been excited about NFTs for the past year. We’ve seen some amazing projects create massive floor pricing giving HODLrs huge gains. Over 85% of the activity to date has happened specifically on Ethereum via OpenSea. With a flood on the market and overwelming gas prices, the tides are starting to change. NFT projects and communities are moving to Solona, Polygon and other chains.

Toast is a Smart-Chain first ecosystem and we’ve patiently waited for the Smart-Chain to shine with it’s low gas fees, fast transactions and the largest user community in crypto. The most actively used Dapp (project) in crypto is PancakeSwap (running on Smart-Chain). Whenever PancakeSwap launches new features, they tend to set trends on their Dapp as well as across the entire Smart-Chain.

On October 7, 2021, PancakeSwap is launching their first Generative NFT collection. To put this in perspective their first NFT collection generated over $7m in sales since it’s launch on their new marketplace this past weekend.

In viewing some of the art from the collection it’s inevitable that the launch is going to be a huge success and spark a windfall of NFT activity on Smart-Chain. With all of the excitement and significant yield potential collectors are going to look for less conjested markets, more curated experiences and new use cases for their Smart-Chain NFTs.

…And we’re going to be ready for it with the launch of the Toast NFT Market.


At the highest level, Toast NFT Market allows users to:

  • Explore existing NFTs on Smart-Chain & Polygon networks
  • Create a new collection of new NFTs
  • Register a collection of already deployed NFTs.
  • Buy / sell / auction / collect rare NFTs.

Do you have a generative collection you’ve created or plan to create? Get in touch with us to get registered and listed. Join Discord:

Technical Details


The Toast NFT market operates on-chain across 16 smart contracts that work together to enable all of the core features. These contracts manage minting, listing, sales across single NFTs, collections and bundles.

Proxy — Master Proxy Delegator
NFT — Primary NFT Contract
Marketplace — The Sales Engine
BundleMarketplace — Supporting Sales Engine
Auction — Bid Support
NFTFactory — Launches and Manages Marketplace Listings
NFTFactoryPrivate — Handles private listings
NFTTradable — Handles transfers
NFTTradablePrivate — Private transfer manager
TokenRegistry — Registry of tokens allowed for payment
AddressRegistry — Master address orchestation for upgradable contracts
PriceFeed — Oracle (powered by ChainLink)
ArtTradable — ERC1155 trading support on public listings
ArtTradablePrivate — ERC1155 trading support on private listings
ArtFactory — ERC1155 management
ArtFactoryPrivate — ERC115 management of private collections

You can navigate the contracts on testnet today:

What is a Collection?

A collection is a standard ERC-721 or ERC-1155 Smart Contract deployed on the Smart-Chain. All the NFTs from the same Smart Contract are of the same collection.

More background information on NFTs:

What is a Bundle?

A bundle is a set of NFTs from different collections within a single address, both ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens are supported. A Bundle differs from a Collection, as it is a combination of various types of NFTs from different collections while a Collection consists of NFTs only from a single Smart Contract.

Think of a Bundle much like a Toast Stack. Learn more about Toast Stacks:

On Toast NFT Market you can create, curate, buy, sell and auction Bundles. Any number of NFTs belonging to a certain account can be included in a Bundle.

What is the difference between registering an existing collection and cerating one?

When registering a collection, you are adding your exisiting existing NFT Smart Contract to the Toast NFT Market. From there you can designate prices, categories and update all of the editable metadata.

Creating a collection is the process of deploying and registering a new NFT smart contract collection directly on Toast NFT Market.

We’ve made it simple with an auto deployment of NFT Smart Contracts created through the Toast NFT interface. You can create new collections without much knowledge about Smart Contracts and NFTs.

How to register a new collection?

  • Go to
  • Navigate to Register Collection
  • Upload a logo image which will be later shown to represent your collection.
  • Give a name and a description of your collection.
  • Select up to 3 supporting categories for your collection.
  • Add an address of your ERC-721 or ERC-1155 Smart Contract deployed on Smart-Chain (mainnet).
  • Add an URL link to your website, discord, telegram, twitter and instagram.
  • A contact email is required, This is used to inform you whether your collection is successfully registered.
  • Registration of a new collection does not take fees.

How to create a new collection of your own?

  • Go to
  • Navigate to Create New Collection
  • Decide whether you want other people to mint NFTs under your collection or if only you can mint NFTs under your collection.
  • Upload a logo image which will be later shown to represent your collection.
  • Give a name and a description of your collection.
  • Select up to 3 categories for your collection.
  • Add a link to your website
  • Additionally, you can add your discord, telegram, twitter, instagram and medium handles.
  • Add an URL link to your website, discord, telegram, twitter and instagram.
  • A contact email is required, This is used to inform you whether your collection is successfully registered.
  • The creation of a new collection costs 2 BNB as a service fee.

What are the benefits of creating a new collection on Toast NFT Market?

  • We automatically register your collection without a manual verification process. Your collection will have a verification badge — automatically.
  • We support a royalty system for NFTs minted under the Toast NFT Market collection and collections created in the platform. There are no added royalties for exisiting collections.

What are categories?

A category is a characteristic for sorting and filtering. When you register a collection in Toast NFT Market, you can select up to 3 categories. When a collection is registered with a certain number of categories selected, all the NFTs from this collection will share those categories.

Categories are only defined on the Toast NFT Market platform, other marketplaces might have totally different groups of categories. Once categories are selected for a collection, all the NFTs from the collection share those selected categories which will help users find out NFTs easily and quickly in our explore page.

What is royalty and how does it work?

A royalty is a percentage that can be set during the minting of an NFT. Once set higher than 0%, creators of the NFT will earn royalties for each time the NFT is sold in the Toast NFT Market.

If royalty is set to 2%, the creator will get 2% of NFT’s sale price every time the NFT is sold in Toast NFT Market — reguardless of price.

Who can register a collection on Toast NFT Market?

Anybody who runs an NFT platform can register a collection on Toast NFT Market.

Once submitted the moderation team will carefully review the validity of the collection. Either approved or rejected, you will get an email with an approval or rejection message. Once approved, your collection will appear in the collections list with a verification badge.


Can people buy / sell collections?

Answer: Collections cannot be sold or purchased, from user’s perspective, collection might seem to be a group of nfts, but technically, it is a smart contract with which users can mint NFTs.

Will the category be modified after set during Mint?


Will Toast support utility in the NFTs?

Yes, given all of the underlying protocols of Toast, there is a future to allow farming, passive rewards and other DeFi utility. The possibilities are incredible.

Don’t forget, we’re saying bye to Telegram and Hello to discord. Learn more from our recent security update here:

We don’t fold, we HODL! 💛

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Technical Details:

Remember, we will NEVER send private messages.
We don’t believe in DMs and will never send you a DM first.
We do not have technical support team.

We don’t fold, we HODL!!

