Awaken Your Storytelling Genius & Bridge the Divide with Toffy’s Domes

Nifemi Aluko
Toffy’s Domes NFT
6 min readSep 16, 2022


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

What type of future do you want to live in?

Would you rather live in a world filled with divisions, where people are not empowered to make the change they want to see?


Would you want to live in a future where we all have the agency to affect change and be active participants in transforming our reality?

I personally would prefer the latter and that’s why I built Toffy’s Domes.

Toffy’s Domes NFT is about bridging gaps in our communities by unleashing the storytelling genius in us all.

Based on my first novel, TOFFY’S DIVIDE, Toffy’s Domes NFT is my experimentation into the use of blockchain technology to build engaging communities and provide access to unique experiences that spur us all to become better at telling our stories.

Telling my story and helping others tell theirs is an important mission of Toffy’s Domes.

I strongly believe that storytelling is a one-of-a-kind tool to build empathy and foster dialogue in our communities.

Stories can be used to spotlight the disparities in our communities, allowing society to reflect on itself with the hope of sparking the change and inspiring action that ultimately brings us together as humans.

From Spark to Books

When I started writing Toffy’s Divide, I had no clue where it would take me. It started off as a need to write a short story for a mixtape.

It was supposed to take a few days.

One week MAX. I thought.

5 years after the spark to write that story, I had published two books — PRESS PLAY (non-fiction) and TOFFY’S DIVIDE (fiction).

As I reflect on the two books and my journey, there are some strong themes that cut across both books.

These themes are driven by my experiences.

During that time, I was traveling between Silicon Valley and Lagos, Nigeria for my business. The whiplash caused by seeing the inequality between and within both places was always jarring.

Inequality is a big theme in both my books.

Not only was there an economic divide between and in both cities that I frequented, there was also a gap in terms of access to technology — a digital divide.

The digital gap is a theme explored more thoroughly in Toffy’s Divide where the technological advancements in this dystopian tale sees one side of the town with all the bells and whistles of progress and the other side in deplorable conditions.

Both sides are only separated by a thin line that cuts across the city.

The unfortunate aspect about the tale is that one side had to exist for the other to exist also.

A zero-sum game playing out in the fictional city.

But is this tale based in 2049 so different from the divides in our cities now?

As I wrote the story, I wanted people to reflect on the society that the protagonist, Toffy, was living in and ask the question “would I want to live in this society?”

The storytelling process

I learned a lot over the five years of writing Press Play and Toffy’s Divide.

Through the ups and downs of writing, I learned the publishing process by surrounding myself with experts.

I kept myself accountable by using community-powered writing sessions.

I boosted my creative confidence by actively transforming my idea into reality — books and stories that I hope inspire.

Storytelling is supposed to make people feel something and inspire them to take action.

I realized that the three mixtapes I had made before publishing my books were also part of this storyteller’s tradition, although in a musical way.

I gained a lot of knowledge about storytelling over the years and I hope to pass it on to others that want to tell their own stories.

Because a big learning over the years is that if you don’t tell your story and control your own narrative, someone else will tell it for you.

This brings me back to a third and more subtle divide, which is the narrative gap that allows one side (that holds the metaphoric pen) to tell the entire story at the expense of the other.

I can resonate with that primarily as an African that has seen the world tell a variety of tangled and single-lensed narratives about our diverse group of people.

Telling my story and helping others tell theirs is an important mission of Toffy’s Domes.

With Toffy’s Domes, we want to put the pen back into the individual’s hands so that they can confidently tell their own unique story.

Following Toffy’s path.

Toffy is the writer’s writer…

He used his words to fight back against the oppression in his city while fighting all the odds that would stop any writer from putting words to manuscript.

He did this as an engineer. A reminder that regardless of what field you’re in, you have a story in you to tell.

This judge might actually be able to explain it better than I can 😀 Toffy’s Divide won the Next Generation Indie Book Awards for best book in science fiction (2022)

You can use your stories to do the same.

Get Toffy’s Domes

To continue what we started with Toffy’s journey, we want to pass on this empowerment from storytelling through 405 unique tokens that gives each token holder access to a unique storytelling packet and experiences that will awaken and embolden the storyteller genius in all token holders.

Ideally, if we can help 20 token holders complete a first draft of their manuscript by June 2023, we will consider the project a total success. 🙌🏾

You can get your Toffy’s Domes here.

Utility and Access

The Domes give you access to a variety of things depending on how many you get. Here’s a quick Preview:

  • (1 Dome) — an audiobook of Toffy’s Divide, a signed copy of my third book (in the Toffy’s series: publishing 2023), and limited access to our writing community (The storyteller’s lounge w/ NapoRepublic)
  • (2 Domes) — everything from 1 Dome + Unlimited access to the storyteller’s lounge and activities and the Skribe program — our first A 4-month program to turn your ideas into a cohesive manuscript that can be submitted for publication (program starts Feb 2023. Requires at least two tokens at start date of the program).
  • (3 Domes) — everything from 2 Domes + Monthly one-on-one sessions with Nifemi Aluko

Learn more about the benefits and utility that the Toffy’s Domes tokens grant here.

Support organizations & Grants

Since our goal is to be part of the solution to the divides in our societies, 10% of the total amount raised with the project will be donated to an organization focused on bridging the economic, digital, or narrative gap in one of our select cities.

I really do believe in the power of a strong community working together to challenge norms.

I believe Toffy’s Domes is part of a movement that is setting the template for what the future of independent storytelling and publishing, powered by community, will look like in the future.

Not sure where to get started on your NFT journey? Check out this article on How to get involved in NFTs (for the everyday person).

Empower diverse storytelling

Although it all started out as an experiment for me, it has turned into a full fledged project that has transformed me personally and can transform how we get our stories out and immortalize our ideas in a genuine and authentic way with an engaged community

I’m really looking forward to co-creating this experience with you.

So come join us.

Grab one of Toffy’s Domes to engage with a community of authentic storytellers that want to use their message to reduce the divides in the world.

Use Toffy’s storytelling secrets that come with the Domes to tell your own story.


Use it to support an organization doing the work to reduce inequality or an aspiring writer in the community.

Because these diverse stories need to be heard.

It can change a life.
It can inspire someone.
It can reduce the gap.
It can empower you and boost your creative confidence.

Because that’s the future we want to live in.

Where every diverse story is amplified to reach and uplift the right people, narrowing the gaps in our communities.

A world where curiosity, empathy, and dialogue is encouraged.

Because we don’t believe equality is a myth.

We know we are all agents of transformation and we can actively transform the world we’re living in with genuine stories.

So go get your domes and let’s create this future together :)

Be a part of the storytelling movement. Get your own Toffy’s Domes Token here!

