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Together in Dignity
Together in Dignity
“Together in Dignity” brings together bloggers from four continents to reflect on a world without poverty and respectful of human rights and dignity. Inspired by the daily struggles of people living in poverty, we work to change perspectives on the world.
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How can we end hunger?

By Anne-Sylvie Laurent (Philippines)

How can we end hunger? At ATD Fourth World (All Together in Dignity), we believe that an essential step to overcoming extreme poverty is to listen and reflect with people who experience these conditions every day. We listened…

Life Under the Bridge

François Phliponeau, France

Very often, people who live in poverty are stigmatized, feeling excluded from society. This week, the French president declared that poverty is “a humiliation for the Republic.” But feelings of exclusion and humiliation, are not…


By: Guy Malfait (Philippines)


Yolanda / Haiyan was still an anonymous tropical formation somewhere in the Pacific. The…

Dogs, Electric Shocks, and Poverty

By: Anne-Sylvie Laurent (Philippines)

I stumbled upon the concept of “Learned Helplessness” almost accidentally and I promise that it has something to do with dogs, electrical shocks, poverty and human beings.