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Together in Dignity
Together in Dignity
“Together in Dignity” brings together bloggers from four continents to reflect on a world without poverty and respectful of human rights and dignity. Inspired by the daily struggles of people living in poverty, we work to change perspectives on the world.
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Anna Gave Birth


By Beatriz Monje Barón

Last month, an article in the Spanish press discussed circumstances that forced a…

Resistance & Togetherness

Beatriz Monje Barón, UK / Mexico City

On twitter @beatriz_monje

I got to know Rita and Graham Edwards in London in the year 2000, a short while after arriving to live and work in this extraordinary city that so often gave the…

“I’m Much More Than Someone Who Is Struggling”

(excerpted with permission from Scotland’s Poverty Truth Commission blog)

I couldn’t hear myself for the sound of the crowd, it was electrifying. I knew I had to focus but I couldn’t hear myself think. I knew what I was…

Truth, Human Rights, and the Sharp End of Poverty

By Diana Skelton (France)

Human rights are not charity; they’re about justice.”

This quote, and the cartoon illustrating it, was singled out as the favorite of a lively group I had the chance…

The Problem of Inequality

By Paul MacDonald (United Kingdom)

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The Roles We Play

The Roles We Play: Recognising the Contribution of People in Poverty is a collection of photographic portraits that explores the roles played by those living in poverty within their families, communities and society at large. The work highlights their efforts, validates their achievements and

Poverty and Shame in Pakistan (VIDEO)

By Elaine Chase & Robert Walker (United Kingdom)

The link between poverty and shame has important implications for how we think about, design, and build policies intended to alleviate poverty. Our research, carried out with colleagues in…