Token Report by New Alchemy Newsletter Issue #2: Blockchain Oasis

This is your brain on crypto.

Kyle Gibson
Token Report
3 min readAug 9, 2018


This has been a hard week for crypto traders, especially those who were affected by a remarkable single faulty trade on OKEx. We can’t sugarcoat the price performance, and would never try to…but there has been some news which should seem optimistic for everyone going long on crypto, such as:

  • The owner of the NYSE announced they will be “collaborating with Microsoft, Starbucks and others on a regulated ‘ecosystem’ for digital assets” called BAKKT — Bitcoinist
  • Goldman is reportedly considering offering crypto custody services — Bloomberg
  • Coinbase also announced they are considering dozens of more assets for their crypto custody service — Blog

Optimism is there for you, when you look for it. But so is pessimism, and in this last week there was sure a lot of that in the crypto market. For instance, the token project Digipulse, who had closed an ICO, announced plans to “detokenize” their business because their token was too susceptible to market manipulation.

If there is any crypto metric that is up across the board for this past week, it is the volume of discussion regarding market manipulation and other kinds of fraud. These, however, are certainly not new ‘innovations’ unique to the crypto market.

1 Short Read: Lessons for Blockchain from the Roaring Twenties

Blockchain tech is regularly described as being in its “90’s phase,” but what era does blockchain finance resemble? Continuing our primer series on STOs, we argue that the token sale market has similar problems as did the US stock market leading up to the Black Tuesday crash in 1929 and that a token taking into account securities regulation represents both consumer protection and opportunity:

New significant resources for crypto investors and researchers

Since the last regular edition of the Token Report newsletter, there have been some crucial publications by industry bodies and researchers relating to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology; here is a round-up, in case you missed any:

Do you think we missed any that should be on this list? Reach out!


New Alchemy is a leading blockchain strategy and technology group specializing in tokenized solutions for the most innovative companies worldwide. Token Report is a part of New Alchemy’s market research team, focused on providing independent data insights and research on digital currency markets. Get in touch with us at

