Empower your node.js module with backward compatibility for node < 8

It’s really good to see node 8 is now entering LTS. The node contributors have been doing great job bringing latest ES features into node, empowering developers and boosting their productivity. This makes me…



作者揭露:目前使用的前端Framework為React.js與Batman.js,曾經用過的有Angular.js、Backbone.js與jQuery。前端工具選擇為webpack與middleman,曾經用過Makefile + gulp.js、Gruntjs與Rails Asset Pipeline…



DOM Manipulation framework/library

jQuery、Backbone.View、React.js and Batman.View

No more holy sxxt when writing JavaScripts

Recently, @jonathanong released a game changing project: polyfills.io to the JavaScript world. The idea of that is really simple:

Serve what only you need polyfills to your browser based on its…