Say Hello to TomoX Public Testnet and Launch Your Own Permissionless DEX in Minutes

TomoChain Publisher
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2019

Dear TomoChain Community Members,

12 days ago, we released the updated version of our proposal for the TomoX protocol — another step in our plan to roll out the Testnet. We are pleased to announce that the TomoX Testnet is going LIVE at 3:00 PM (Singapore time) on Tuesday, November 5th, 2019.

What is TomoX about?

TomoX is a secure and efficient permissionless decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol that empowers a diverse system of DEXs, market-making providers, and independent projects to work together in a decentralized manner. This innovative protocol allows users to launch a DEX (also called Relayer) in just a few minutes without extensive technical knowledge and with minimal development upkeep costs.

TomoX is a layer 1 protocol that is integrated into the core TomoChain blockchain. This will ensure a high-performance experience with fast confirmation times. All DEXs built on TomoX will share the same decentralized order book. The masternodes will provide infrastructure and computation for order matching and execution.

Click here to visit TomoX landing page and find out more about TomoX.

With TomoX protocol, we’re bringing it all together. Your kit includes 2 parts: TomoX SDK and TomoRelayer.

  • TomoX SDK provides open-source frontend-backend DEX templates. Anyone can immediately build a DEX on the TomoChain blockchain without having to do so from scratch.
  • When successfully registered, that DEX is ready to be traded on. TomoRelayer is the professional management dashboard to seamlessly register, launch and manage a DEX. A DEX owner can resign the relayer position at any time or sell the DEX to any buyer using TomoRelayer.

In order to register a DEX, an owner must deposit 25,000 TOMO to the TomoRelayer smart contract. To request 25,0001 Testnet TOMO, please fill in this form.

Simply visit and follow these steps to build, register, launch and manage your own DEX on TomoChain Testnet:

  1. Written tutorial

2. Video tutorial

TomoDEX — The First DEX on the TomoX Testnet

To help users get hands-on trading experience, TomoChain is launching the first DEX, called TomoDEX. Please drop by at or using Dapp TomoDEX on TomoWallet (Advanced Setting -> Switch network to TomoChain Testnet) and enjoy trading in a truly decentralized manner.

Here are some tutorials to get you up to speed quickly:

  1. Written tutorial: TomoDEX’s Basic Interface
  2. Written tutorial: How to trade on TomoDEX
  3. Video tutorial:

Start trading on TomoDEX:

Technical Documentation, Feedback, and Support

Technical documentation on TomoX can be found here:

  1. TomoX proposal
  2. Set up relayers
  3. Market maker integration

Fill in this FORM to receive TOMO testnet to try to register your own DEX!

If you need any support from TomoChain team, please join our Telegram channel.

If you identify any bugs, security issues, errors in the documentation, or have any suggestions to improve the products, please report them on our Github or fill up the feedback form. Once the public testing and feedback period are completed, we will launch the TomoX mainnet.

Shoot us an email or Tweet us to share your thoughts about TomoX and your experience with the testnet version.

Stay tuned as more activities on the Testnet will be updated soon.


TomoChain Team.

About TomoChain

TomoChain blockchain and product ecosystem allow entrepreneurs, enterprises, and institutions to build high-performance, feature-rich blockchain projects on an enhanced EVM-compatible platform. An array of original features and protocols is designed to support users’ speed, privacy, usability, and liquidity needs all in one platform.

TomoChain is built on a performance layer that achieves high transaction speeds without compromising decentralization. TomoChain uses an innovative consensus method called POSv (Proof of Stake Voting) which gives an incentive to all TomoChain token-holders to play an active part in staking across a network of 150 high-quality masternodes, and to monitor their performance and governance actively. Its staking-governance Dapp, TomoMaster, is recognized as one of the leading staking platforms in the industry.

TomoChain flagship products are:

  • TomoZ — Zero Friction Protocol — the first on-chain protocol that offers the ability for any user to pay transaction fees with the same token the user is holding
  • TomoX — a secure and efficient relayer-masternode decentralized cryptocurrency exchange protocol that empowers a diverse system of relayers, MM providers, and independent projects to work together.

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