Too Many Notes

A Disappearing Act

That might not be possible to avoid

Sana Sparks


Woman in a hospital bed hooked up to IVs
Photo by Stephen Andrews on Unsplash

Life is not something you can live alone. Especially when you are ill and need care. So there is a possibility I will be off the radar for awhile. I will see what the doctor says today. The cellulitis is in an area I can’t see with my own eyes, and the last photo I just took is alarming. I am exhausted.

The past year has been full of ups and downs. A year ago things were horrible enough that I was feeling maybe I shouldn’t be around at all. I got help. Now I have no family I can turn to, for different reasons. They have their own struggles. But I can at least get the medical help. I hope it is the right kind this time.

Whatever happens, I am glad I came to write on Medium. Being a working writer was the one hope I had never fulfilled, at least in the way I wanted. I love it here. Thank you for your stories, and your reading. I don’t mean this to sound fatalistic. But it’s a time to surrender completely to what is happening. And relax. I don’t know what to do. Others have to show me. Take care of yourselves, sometimes, by letting someone else take care of you.



Sana Sparks

An elder who creates magic, tells true stories, throws open the mind. understands dreams, sings wordless songs, and knows the gift of memory.