Toorcoin & Toorister — The ultimate choice for specialized travel

Toorcoin Team
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2018

Following our first blog post that you can find here, we’re sharing a few additional details regarding our project. More details to follow in our upcoming website and whitepaper.

The most common considerations in booking a holiday can be classified under three categories — Budget, Location, and Duration. All three pose their own respective complications. To address these complications, we decided to create Toorcoin and the Toorister platform.

Toorcoin’s aim is to become the de-facto travel currency across the world by rallying the travel community (“Tooristers”) around a common platform and value system. It is meant to facilitate payments on the Toorister platform (we will discuss these in detail in our white paper) but envisions to be used on a much broader scale in the travel industry. Toorcoin addresses the first travel dilemma around budgeting with near instant payment transactions and ridding users of insurmountable international transaction fees. Currently budgeting for a holiday means keeping an eye on deductions from bank and credit card statements which can be delayed as well as subject to a high transaction (cross currency) fee. In using Toorcoin, one would be able to identify an exact amount of the initial outlay and have it realise on their statement almost instantly. Furthermore, there would no longer be a need to work out what the total spend would translate to in local currency by mitigating conversion and international bank charges.

Toorister is geared at refuting predicaments two and three — Location and Duration! Toorister is a travel website providing amazing travel itineraries and city guides curated from some of the best travel resources available with detailed day-by-day plans of attractions to visit. It is aimed at having trusted and relatable data on top travel destinations to serve as a pool of information for anyone traveling to their dream destination. The aim is to take the hassle out of travel for users by alleviating the overwhelming sense of having to line up their next big trip with an end-end travel itinerary that they can follow with confidence.

Combined in one product, Toorcoin and Toorister are the ultimate choice for specialized travel!

Get in Touch

Look out for more posts and details about Toorcoin and Toorister on our Medium blog. We look forward to connecting with all of you!





