Top Floor Origin Story

Top Floor
Published in
6 min readAug 17, 2022


Who doesn’t love a good backstory?

Welcome to the Top Floor. If you’re reading this then that means our marketing is finally working. Hook, Story and Offer. So my name is John Pittman and I’m the CEO of Top Floor. I grew up in the church, got a degree in biochemistry, spent a ton of my years bartending and then left the hospitality industry to work for a blockchain-focused consulting company. That’s a whole nother story but let’s just say I’m a quick learner.

I will say that one of the common themes that I picked up from all of those very unique timelines has been the power of a united community. Now that I’m creating our own community I’ve realized that it’s time we get more intentional about building and engaging in purpose-driven networks.

What is Top Floor?

Top Floor is a digital ecosystem serving all types of entrepreneurs. Our on-ramps consist of digital courses and our off-ramps include passive income strategies such as becoming an entrepreneurial educator. In short it’s a digital community that has real world benefits. So many entrepreneurs, experienced or new to the game, have been getting bombarded by masterminds, business coaches, digital courses, networking events, conferences, etc. So much so that it’s hard to discern which are worth the time and which ones aren’t.

Top Floor has the solution. We have been partnering with some of the top business educators in their fields to organize this information otherwise known as financial literacy. Read about our membership levels here

Since the start of the pandemic so much of our lives have gone completely online. One area not so much has been genuine networking. Social media has made it so casual to see someone’s profile and move on with your life that you may not even think about what message that person may even be trying to deliver. Current solutions right now include LinkedIn but I think we can all agree that even though that platform has grown it has lost some effectiveness.

One online community I was adamantly involved with growing up was Reddit. Essentially it was a forum where people posted external links in sub-forums that were geared towards a specific topic.

I think one of the reasons the topics were able to stay on point so well is because of a few reasons

  • Gaining notoriety was centered around your ability to offer input on topics. There was even a point system place that rewarded you if the community agreed with your point of view
  • Elite moderation — Each sub forum has rules that they religiously enforced to keep the integrity of the forum true to the original purpose
  • You could choose which subforums would be on your feed so that you could eliminate the “static” when browsing stuff to read
  • Downside for business owners looking to promote: A ton of the major forums did not allow direct promotion of products or social media pages

From a digital community standpoint what Top Floor has done is taken the best pieces from a Instagram, LinkedIn and Reddit to give you:

  • We have presence on every platform so that members can interact at every social level
  • Use of the Discord community platform to recreate that forum style of engagement that reddit perfected so well
  • Unlike Reddit but just like LinkedIn we encourage people to discuss their products and services in a productive manner. We have sub-forums to ensure that common conversation topics have homes


I started on a path in the blockchain space within an area of focus called security tokens. Essentially we advised companies how to raise capital for their businesses using blockchain. We noticed that Real Estate was the first industry to take advantage of this new wave of capital raising. To educate and talk about this industry we also had a media company which doubled as a marketing tool

Naturally it wasn’t the sexiest topic no matter how much we knew it’s going to change the world. But I still had a job to do and that was to spread the gospel of security tokens.

In the meantime I noticed on social media platforms a genre of entertainment, entrepreneurial education, picking up serious steam. At the sametime one of my childhood friends was one of the people taking advantage of this surge.

He’s one the Founders of Top Floor and his name is TJ Tijani. His entrepreneur genre is real estate development and Airbnb Automation. His strategy consists of him renovating homes in gentrifying areas and then short-term renting them out for cash flow while he waits for the property to appreciate in equity.

TJ had a background in mechanical engineering so he was proficient in creating systems. He brought that same skill with him over to his short term rental business. Once his lifestyle became a little bit more passive he began teaching these systems for additional income. He amassed a large following by now participating in this entrepreneurial educational genre.

I saw TJs success from a far and knew that my new industry could help him and in turn we could use coaches of his caliber with already established followings to begin bringing the knowledge of security tokens to masses. Long story short, I flew him to Miami and he loved this collaboration idea.

The collaboration opportunity was too big not to include other people. Our plans were massive. So TJ reached out to Chris Senegal, a very successful real estate developer in Houston and Matty J a serial entrepreneur out of the Atlanta Area. On my side I reached out to Chris Joseph, otherwise known as CJ. CJ is known for making major waves on Youtube teaching his following about credit and business financing. These guys along with myself are the founding members of Top Floor, also known as the Penthouse members.

While trying to work with them I realized they were all extremely busy trying to run businesses while trying to also act as influencers and endorsers. It was at this point we realized that Top Floor would be more than a Security Token education platform.

Using their expertise we created Top Floor as a way to both serve entrepreneurial educators and by design educate those looking to emulate the success of these guys.

How did we do that? Well we combined all of their courses into a library for our premium members who we call Residents. We create content for them and we also organize events on their behalf. With this as a service it allows us to continue adding experts to our platform so that we can continue serving our community members looking for education and mentorship.

The Vision

Top Floor by design will be able to scale and serve multiple types of people. Our community is hosted on the Discord platform.. Right now between communities and social media platforms available there are major flaws in them all that make the Top Floor Discord so valuable:

  • Instagram — Fake accounts and poor group chat designs
  • Facebook — Not cool lol
  • Tik Tok — Discourages P2P interaction outside of liking and commenting videos
  • LinkedIn — Too formal and spammy at the same time
  • Reddit — Doesn’t allow promotion on most of the site nor is the private messaging effective

All of these platforms rely on their users to coordinate events and meetups. We on the other hand will have Top Floor organized networking events in most major cities along with yearly conferences. There will even be discounts on tools that the modern entrepreneur needs to have access to such as content studios and co-working spaces — But you will need to be a Top Floor Resident to receive these benefits.

Since the original goal was to teach the community about blockchain-based applications we are making community membership even sweeter. We’ll be awarding our Residence Key Holders (premium members) with an NFT after 90 days. This means that their lifetime access can be traded to another party of their choosing. Might be better to keep it when you think about the events along with how much education and experience will be constantly being added to the platform. This isn’t the type of club you just want to leave.

See… just like that you learned how the blockchain works.

Hope to see you at the Top

John Pittman — CEO, Founder

Visit and get your Residence Key today….Use Promo code “EBJohn” for 50% off! Sale ends Aug 18,2021

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Top Floor

Hospitality specialist, consultant and content creator. Building and managing communities is my passion.