Top 10 Lists For Entrepreneurs
10 min readMar 14, 2016


What really got me hooked on Medium was not just the awesome posts I read daily but it was the amount of value I received after I took the time to go back to January of 2014 and read as many posts as I could from then until now. This has inspired me to share the Top 10 Posts across my favourite topics so the rest of the Medium Community can get the same value I have received and take ACTION.

  • It is not just the number of recommendations that makes a Medium post great it’s the relevancy to that specific reader, if the reader takes REAL VALUE from it and most importantly does it teach them HOW to take ACTION. That is what this post is about — — ACTION.
  • After showcasing the Top 10 posts, I highlight the 3 Most Consistent Lessons they all share and then provide details on how to actually start TAKING ACTION on these lessons and building long term habits.
  • Instead of being just list with cool graphics I intend to create these Top 10’s weekly so it’s easier for Medium Readers to search and find the best articles about their favourite topics and put a plan together to make SUSTAINABLE CHANGE.

This list is 100% independent of anyone’s opinions outside of my own. This includes Medium and it’s staff. CLICK THE PICTURE TO READ THE ARTICLE.

Ali Mese doesn’t disappoint when he releases a Medium article as he has one of the better track records of Medium writers ever to do it. This post is/was his shinning light that went viral and kickstarted the growth of his online presence. I am not surprised. Ali is very honest, real and transparent in the things one deals with when leaving a “fancy” job to pursue what they love. For some that’s not starting a company but for Ali it was and he talks in detail about the lash back from his friends, the importance of spousal support and the pressure of money when it’s not coming in.

Like many of us quitting our job is not an easy thing to do and for Cathryn it was the same scenario. What she did and explains in this article is give herself a challenge to read 22 books before quitting to best prepare herself. Not only are the categories and actual books great references for learning to take the plunge but it’s the relateability in this article that makes it special. This 22 book challenge could be your challenge before taking the plunge.

Elle is so RAW in this article and gives anyone thinking about pursuing their passion a real look into what she went through on her journey. Why I think this article is perfect for someone thinking about quitting their job is because it gives a different perspective. Less about quitting and more about weaving the “MUSTS” into your daily life while slowly moving away from the “SHOULDS”. It’s not just about starting a company and quitting your job, it’s about doing what you love and being happy. Sometimes Entrepreneurship is not the path for that as Elle explains.

Rands has a very interesting perspective as leader continually looking to prevent the best employees from getting bored and quitting. The gems in this are for those that are not sure if they want to quit or what there next steps are. Rands talks about some of the inconspicuous signs that you are bored/non-fulfilled and that quitting could be a potential path. He also gives great insight into how to reinvigorate that fulfillment and rethinking being bored within a job.

As per usual Jon is straight up in this post giving 10 VERY relatable reasons why you shouldn’t quit your job. By reviewing these 10 reasons it will make you think where you fall. It will make you ask “should I really quit”? The reasons that Jon outlines are so apparently bad for quitting that it also makes you think about WHAT IS MY WHY? What do I really want to do and what will really make me happy?

Karim has been there and done that with a perspective on quitting your job that changed as time passed. He outlines 10 ways you will think differently upon taking life into your own hands which for many people is inspiring. Reading these reasons can make you stop and say Ya that’s who I want to be, more empathetic for example, or it may make you say NONE of these reasons resonate with me. Both are good things because they help you further think about what is your path and why quitting your job may or may not be the right choice for you.

This post is for people that believe starting a company is the path after quitting their job. It addresses the most important process for an entrepreneur, validating the problem you are trying to solve. Mitchell speaks from experience and gives a VERY detailed outline on how to Validate your idea before taking the plunge. This outline could be great for people that have yet to quit their job but have “THE BEST IDEA EVER” and have been sitting on it for 5 years. Follow this process to determine if it really is the best idea we haven’t heard of.

Sanjeev calls a spade a spade and puts why it’s critical to be obsessed with something rather than starting a company for other reasons. A short read but to the point and eye opening for anyone thinking about quitting their job to start a company. Through examples of some of the best to do it in the entrepreneurship game, Sanjeev outlines best and worst case scenarios for anyone looking to make the jump. If you are obsessed then in both scenarios you will love what you do.

Michael makes it really obvious that being an entrepreneur is a rollercoaster from first hand experience. With a mix of actionable and inspiring advice you will read this article wondering if the roller coaster is the path for you. That’s what makes this great. Most people think they should quit their job and the other side of the fence is beautiful. After reading this short post you may think otherwise.

Sam gives another transparent perspective of why playing in the startup ring may not be the path for you. This post best resonates for those looking to quit their job and become the next Steve Jobs with little to no experience. Sam is in the ring just not the fighter and this insight if very useful and eye opening.

3 Exercises to do before Quitting Your Job

Across each of the Top 10 Posts they make you question if quitting your job is the right answer. From real life experience that the grass is not always greener to the wonderful things the authors have learned after quitting their job. What is clear, is that Quitting your Job is not some set thing it really depends on the individuals life/aspirations.

Let’s do an exercise that helps you answer if quitting is the path for you.

Click Here to Download the FREE ShouldIQuitMyJob Exercise Worksheet

In each section ask yourself and give bullet point answers for;

  • WHY should I quit my job
  • WHAT1 are the 10 things I would do if $$ didn’t matter
  • WHAT2 can I do for 6 months before quitting my job to make incremental steps towards doing what I love
  • WHEN will I be prepared to Quit my Job and have enough $$ to live for 1 year without income

After this exercise ask yourself if quitting is the path for you.

Freedom from the 9–5pm sounds like a gift from the heavens but it’s a big time challenge for anybody looking to go down it’s path. You are talking about living a lifestyle different from anything you have ever experienced before and against what society dictates to be the “RIGHT WAY” to live.

These To 10 Posts all talk about the how to deal with Freedom in some way or another. How lifestyle design is important.

Let’s see how easy or difficult it is to dictate what your freedom would look like.

Grab a piece of paper or open Evernote and write down if you quit your job tomorrow what would your day look like. By the Hour.

Then write what your day would look like in 2 months. 1 Year. 3 years from now and then 10 years from now.

It’s almost like setting goals and I won’t be surprised if figuring out what your day would look like 10 years from now is a more difficult than expected. It’s is so damn tough to put pen to paper and dictate what you will do that will make you happy everyday after years of doing it a certain way.

If it’s reading 22 books, starting a side project on the weekend or saving XX amount of money before quitting, the Top 10 Posts talk about putting in the work before quitting. Outside of it giving you a clear picture if you actually want to do the work you thought was the path, it forces you to do the personal development needed to prepare yourself for the new journey.

No question personal development is key to the path towards living a more free life but it’s a long road. A road filled with hard questions and even harder answers. Lots of reading, lots of reflection and lots of anguish.

Before Quitting Your Job Read these 5 books. Regardless of what you want to do after you quit these books are fundamental to understanding yourself.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad — Robert T. Kiyosaki

Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill

7 Habits of Highly Effective People- Stephen Covey

4 Hour Work Week- Tim Ferriss

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action- Simon Sinek

After you read these 5 books complete Jon Westenberg’s Investing In Yourself Step by Step Guide. Once you complete these tasks you will be better prepared to answer the hard questions including SHOULD I QUIT.


Hopefully these Medium Top 10 posts on Quitting Your Job provide as much value to you as they have for me. If you want to take action, do these 3 exercises and study these 10 posts.

If you don’t maybe you are not cut out to live a FREE LIFE.

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