Go to Touch4IT
We are an innovation house focused on product design and software engineering. We will become your long-term partner in creating innovative technological solutions.
Note from the editor

We are an innovation house focused on product design and software engineering. We will become your long-term partner in creating innovative technological solutions.

Go to the profile of Touch4IT Team
Touch4IT Team
We are product oriented app development company bringing innovations to the market. ➡ www.touch4it.com.
Go to the profile of Richard Rostecky
Richard Rostecky
Co-Founder @Touch4IT, enthusiastic software engineer & motorcycle rider who likes challenges
Go to the profile of Matej Mihalech
Matej Mihalech
Co-Founder & Executive Director at Touch4IT | Enthusiastic Traveler
Go to the profile of Michal Korman
Go to the profile of Miška Roštecká
Miška Roštecká
Head of Marketing at Touch4IT | Creative Writer | Enthusiastic & Ambitious Person
Go to the profile of Lukáš Láni
Lukáš Láni
Technical enthusiast,Project Manager,Entrepreneur,Mentor, Husband&Father
Go to the profile of Viktor Šulák
Viktor Šulák
Software engineer, traveller, photographer, motorcycle rider. Interested in fiddling with new technologies.
Go to the profile of Dávid Ondruš
Dávid Ondruš
Software Architect | Lead Developer | Backend Developer & Team Leader | davidondrus.sk
Go to the profile of Tomáš Tibenský
Tomáš Tibenský
Software Engineer @ Pixel Federation | Co-Founder & CTO @ Mockupie.com | Co-Founder & CEO @ Finappie
Go to the profile of Martin Bobko
Go to the profile of Matej Palo
Go to the profile of Norbert Sulek
Go to the profile of Jakub Polak
Go to the profile of Jakub Sedinar
Go to the profile of Marian Sitniansky
Go to the profile of Dusan Drabik
Go to the profile of Peter Takac