TGx Guidelines for Republishing Articles from ‘The Conversation’

Sharing Tourism Articles from ‘The Conversation’ to ‘Tourism Geographic’

[Updated May 14, 2021] ‘Tourism Geographic’ (TGx) is committed to open access and open sharing.

Tourism Geographic Editor
Tourism Geographic


Photo by Harli Marten on Unsplash

TOURISM GEOGRAPHIC (TGx) republishes selected tourism related articles that have been published in The Conversation. These republications follow the republishing guidelines for The Conversation.

How We Republish Your Article

Our republishing of The Conversation articles can happen in three ways:

(1) We simply republish the article. We may or may not contact the author about this, as The Conversation does not require that.
— We will not change the text or title of your article in any way, unless you give us express permission to do so. Medium, however, allows a Kicker (above the Title) and a Subtitle (below the Title). The TGx editors will add a Kicker and Subtitle to your paper.
— The TGx editors will use new graphics that are cc-by copyrighted, mostly from
— There will be a link to the original article in The Conversation for SEO purposes.

(2) We will invite the author to create a account.
— The author will need to inform the TGx Editors of their Medium account name so they can be added as an author for Tourism Geographic.
— The author can then import their paper paper from The Conversation into their Medium account (look for the “import” option). This will automatically create an SEO link to the original article in The Conversation.
— The text will come over perfectly, however the graphics will usually not. Do not use graphics that you do not have copyright permission to use. Medium uses graphics that are cc-by copyrighted. You can use other cc-by graphics and your own.
—The author can update or change the article, including the title, at any time through their Medium account.

The advantages of having your own Medium account, which is free, are

  1. Your paper shows your avatar icon as the author and links to any other Medium articles that you might have, and
  2. You can edit and update your paper at any time as you feel is appropriate.

If you create a Medium account after your article from The Conversation has been published in Tourism Geographic, there is a way to link the article to your new account. Please contact a TGx editor about that.

(3) Authors can request that their tourism related articles in The Conversation be republished in Tourism Geographic. Please contact a TGx editor is you want to do that.

Advantages of TGx Republication

Republishing your article in Tourism Geographic will give it additional exposure.

Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

We have a consistently growing number of subscribers and a large number of daily views of TGx articles. This is due to the strength of the search engine optimization (SEO) on the Medium platform.

In addition, unlike The Conversation, our readers are specifically interested in travel and tourism.

Tourism Geographic articles have the same copyright policies as do articles in The Conversation (which is CC-BY-ND).

In addition, all Tourism Geographic articles are available paywall-free, which is different from most of the other articles available on (Paywall means that non-subscribers to can only read about 5 articles a month for free. We do not have that limitation.)

And, we can add a more substantial “About the Authors” section, if you would like. The Conversation only includes your affiliation. We can add any kind of bio note as you wish.

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Editors of Tourism Geographic:

