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Computational Journalism

Tow Center
Tow Center
The Tow Center for Digital Journalism at the Columbia Graduate School for Journalism
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The Anatomy of a Robot Journalist

Given that an entire afternoon was dedicated to a “Robot Journalism Bootcamp” at the Global Editors Network Summit this week, it’s probably safe to say that automated journalism has finally gone mainstream — hey it’s only taken close to 40 years since the first story…

OpenVis is for Journalists!

Last week I attended the OpenVis Conference in Boston, a smorgasbord of learning dedicated to exploring the use and application of data visualization on the open web, so basically not using proprietary standards. It was hard not to get excited, with a headline keynote like Mike…

Data Journalism Resources

A collection of online resources about data journalism:

+ The Data Journalism Handbook

+ Jonathan Stray’s Computational Journalism Class. Journalism and Media Studies Center at the University of Hong Kong, Spring 2013