Go to Towards AI Renaissance
Towards AI Renaissance
Artificial Intelligence in Times of Singularity. AI passionate writers and developers.
Note from the editor

Artificial Intelligence in Times of Singularity. AI passionate writers and developers.

Go to the profile of Pablo (Apes Ascendance)
Pablo (Apes Ascendance)
I'm an indie developer, online marketer, book writer, developer, and startup entrepreneur :) SIGNUP https://medium.com/@apesascendance/membership
Go to the profile of Imthiaz Muhassin
Go to the profile of Bjørn-Jostein Singstad
Bjørn-Jostein Singstad
IT advisor at Vestfold Hospital Trust and PhD candidate at Akershus University Hospital with the objective of developing AI-enabled ECG interpretation algorithm
Go to the profile of ascendancedev
Writing about AI, dreams, nature, science, visions, data science. SIGNUP TO MEDIUM -> https://medium.com/@ascendancedev/membership
Go to the profile of Deepak Sethi
Deepak Sethi
To assist businesses become more lucrative, I want to educate people about the role that can play.Further conversation https://howdyanalytics.odoo.com/