Chapter 1: Practical Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch

Sumit Pandey
Towards Deep Learning
5 min readJan 12, 2024


A few weeks ago, I was having a chat with my friend when he asked me to teach him Deep Learning in the simplest way possible. The first step was defining what Deep Learning is, so I wrote an article on Deep Learning in a comical style, and he enjoyed it greatly, you can read this article here. Now, he has requested that I teach practical Deep Learning. In this article, I will attempt to explain Deep Learning in a straightforward manner. So, here is the plan of action:

  1. Setting up Environment
  2. Introduction to the Dataset: MNIST
  3. Lets see some examples
  4. Building a Simple Neural Network
  5. Training the Model
  6. Evaluating the Model
  7. View Results
  8. Conclusion and Next Steps

I believe knowledge should be free and if you cant read this due to medium pay wall then please click here to read this article for free via friend link.

Also kindly consider following me here on Medium, as I’ll be publishing this article on my new Medium publication dedicated to deep learning. Please consider following the publication, it will motivate me a lot. Happy Learning.



Sumit Pandey
Towards Deep Learning

Phd Fellow (Deep Learning) at University of Copenhagen