Co-op Battle Alpha Season 2 — Empower your troops with Guardians Artifacts and defeat King Marrowus!

Animoca Brands
Tower Ecosystem
Published in
7 min readAug 23, 2023

Defenders, after our victory in defeating King Bullhead in the Co-op Battle Alpha Season, it’s time to gear up again and join forces to take on a new challenge in Co-op Battle Alpha Season 2! This time, the enemy you’ll face is King Marrowus, a powerful and cunning foe that will test your strategy and skills to the limit.

Try your best to beat the boss during Alpha Season 2 and win rewards! Battle start date to be announced.

King Marrowus

“Foulest of the foul, King Marrowus considers all life unnatural. He has taken it upon himself to refine the impurity of life into perfection — Death.”

Mechanism Updates on Alpha Season 2

In Alpha season 2, the team decided to bring some changes and improvements to the Co-op Battle mechanics based on feedback and suggestions from players. Here are some of the most important ones:

Introducing Guardian Artifact — boost your force in beating King Marrowus!

In this new season, we’ll have 2 kinds of Guardian Artifacts redeemable from the TOWER League. The Artifacts give you additional DPS when fighting the boss. Strength of the artifacts is highly related to your Crazy Defense Heroes mobile game account, ownership of TOWER Achievement Badge NFT, and number of troops you deployed to the battlefield.

All Guardian artifacts could team up and deal damage to King Marrowus!

1. Guardian Angel

Guardian Angel

The Guardian Angel artifact is a powerful addition to your troops that can increase battle DPS based on your Crazy Defense Heroes mobile game account, and the number of TOWER Achievement Badge NFTs you own. Please note that Guardian Angel will only deal damage when you deployed at least one troop on the battlefield.

Guardian Angel could provide 100 additional DPS at most.

The additions are as below:

Note: Mechanism is subject to change

Take this CDH player as an example, having an Avatar Level Level 60, VIP Level 14, and owning 4 Achievement Badge NFTs bring additional DPS as shown below:

Note: Mechanism is subject to change

To conclude, this player is getting a total of 21 + 8 + 0.8 = 29.8 Additional DPS from Guardian Angel.

2. Guardian Aura

From Left to Right: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary

The Guardian Aura comes in four rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary.

Each rarity provides a 2x boost to all Deployed Battle Card NFTs within that respective rarity (including the Affinity Boost), making them more effective and powerful in defeating King Marrowus!

Each Aura could provide 100 additional DPS at most.

Here’s how it works:

Note: Mechanism is subject to change

By activating Guardian Aura, you gain 2x boosts on all Epic and Legendary Cards, including the Affinity Boosts.

Let’s take an example: You redeemed the Epic and Legendary Guardian Aura:

Then you have 2 Epic Cards and 1 Legendary Card deployed, and the Sun affinity has a 100% boost, the calculation for the Total DPS with the Guardian Aura is as follows:

Total DPS of the 3 cards with Guardian Aura:
[5 + (6+6) + 5] x 2 = 44 DPS

Redeem Guardian Artifacts from TOWER League (Functions will release later)

To redeem the Guardian Artifacts, you’ll need to have sufficient TOWER Hero Points and then redeem them from the TOWER League.

There are 2 ways to obtain Hero Points:

  1. Every 1 $TOWER Spending on TOWER Ecosystem equals 10 Hero Points, below $TOWER spending included:

2. Earn Hero Points from an exclusive Play-and-earn Event:

in October 2022, TOWER Ecosystem hosted the Crazy Defense Heroes Halloween Invasion: Bored Ape Edition, players can earn up to 1,050,000 TOWER Hero Points by fulfilling all requirements. Learn more about the past event.

After getting enough TOWER Hero Points, go redeem your Guardian Artifacts on TOWER League! The required Hero points for each item are listed below:

Please note that you can redeem all types of Guardian artifacts and their effects activate simultaneously. The artifacts only activate once during a single Co-op Battle Seasons, and will not bring to the next season. It will disappear after the battle end date.

Redemption procedure (Unreleased)

There are 2 ways to redeem your Guardian artifacts, please follow the guideline:

  1. Redeem directly through TOWER League ahead of the Battle
  • Head to TOWER League on
  • Go to the Guardian Hero Artifacts tab and see all the available guardian artifacts.
  • Select the one you would like to redeem and click “redeem”
  • Sign a Blockchain transaction to approve using your TOWER Hero Points, then you’re all set!

2. Redeem in the Battlefield (Unreleased)

Apart from the TOWER League, you can redeem Guardian artifacts on the Co-op Battlefield!

  • First, go to “Co-op battle”
  • Select the cards you would like to deploy to the battlefield
  • Check the + signs on the battle interface, and see what could be redeemed
  • Click the Items you would like to redeem
  • Click “Redeem”, sign a blockchain transaction to approve paying TOWER Hero Points
  • You’re all set, the guardian artifacts will arrive immediately and become your strongest companion in the battle!

Achievement Badge NFT for Guardian Artifacts

Redeeming each Guardian artifact comes along with 1 TOWER Achievement Badge NFT.

This NFT collection is a Soulbound token (SBT) signifying your achievements and contribution to the community. Learn more about the collection

Please note that the Achievement Badge NFT attached to the guardian artifacts will only be delivered in the upcoming month with other Crazy Defense Heroes Play-and-earn event Badge NFTs.

Optimization of Battle Accelerator activation requirement

Mentioned in the original Co-op Battle Tutorial, every Spell Card deployed by the army will help activate the Battle Accelerators. Once activated, they can deal significant damage every 24 hours. We believe these accelerators will be your most loyal companion in defeating the evil boss.

In the new season we’ll adjust the activation requirement and the damage dealt for each rarity as below:

Alpha Seasons 2 Rewards

There’s a slight change in the Season 2 Rewards:

1. TOWER Token

Similar to Alpha Season 1, the tower token prize pool Consists of a Basic prize pool of 275,000 TOWER + A completion prize pool, which will be increased to 825,000 $TOWER if defenders are able to defeat King Bullhead before the battle end date.

The prize pool will be distributed based on your Damage Contribution (Card NFT, Guardian Artifacts), if you’ve deployed Hero Card into the battlefield, you’ll get extra boosts on your finalized distribution.

Hero Cards Reward Boost percentage doubled up

Please note that the rewards boost percentage for Deploying Hero Card will double up compared to Alpha Season 1

e.g. If you eventually receive 1000 $TOWER, and you’ve deployed 1 Common & 2 Rare Hero Card NFTs, you’ll receive

1,000 x (100% + 0.02% + 0.04% x 2) = 1,010 $TOWER

Reward tokens claiming will be available around 2 weeks after the event ends.

2. Achievement Badge for Co-op Battle:

All defenders will receive Badge NFT by participating in the event (Learn more about TOWER Achievement Badge)

The player with the highest total damage will receive a Chief Warrior Badge, with the 2nd total damage will receive a Silver Warrior Badge, and with the 3rd will receive a Bronze Warrior Badge

The top 10% of Players who deal the most damage will receive a Warrior Badge NFT

Everyone who participated in the battle will receive a participation badge

Creatives for the new season will be updated

Important reminders

We made several changes to Co-op Battle Alpha Season 2:

  • Introduced the Guardian Artifacts which will have additional damage
  • Adjusted Battle Accelerators activation requirements and their damage
  • 100% increase in Hero Card Reward Boost
  • 10% increase on token reward Prize Pool

Guardian Artifacts will disappear after the end of the battle, they will be applied immediately upon redemption

Don’t forget to deploy your TOWER Battle Cards wisely, pay attention to the card affinities and DPS figures, and activate the Battle Accelerator whenever possible.

Questions? Reach out to us!

If you have any questions regarding the TOWER Ecosystem, feel free to contact us via any social channel!

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