Join the Co-op Battle and Defeat King Bullhead IX with your TOWER Battle Card NFTs!

Animoca Brands
Tower Ecosystem
Published in
8 min readMay 12, 2023

Defenders, gear up with other defenders and join the Co-op battle — Alpha to beat the invading King Bullhead as quickly as possible!

Alpha Season Boss of Co-op Battle

The enemy you’ll face in Co-op battle Alpha Season is “King Bullhead IX”, the first World Boss in Crazy Defense Heroes mobile game.

Commanding the mighty Minotaur Horde, King Bullhead is determined to conquer the world. He covers his grotesque head with a heavy crown and clings to life with an ever-increasing diet of healing potions.”

Road to Defeat King Bullhead IX — The Big Bad Bullhead Beatdown

The only target in the Co-op Battle is to defeat King Bullhead IX, follow the guideline to enter battle:

  1. Remember to log in with your CDH ID, and connect to the linked wallet. If you’re a new player, check the connection guideline here.

2. Click “Co-op Battle” on the TOWER Ecosystem Website to enter the Co-op Battle Interface.

3. On the interface, you’ll see the Card Affinity effects on the boss, King Bullhead’s HP (revealed within a week after battle starts), the shared $TOWER Token Prize pool of the season, Battle Accelerator activation status, and the total number of players and cards deployed to the battlefield.

4. Activating the Battle Accelerator can deal great daily damage to the boss, so be sure to read more about it in the Damage Mechanism section. Remember, you’re not alone in this battle!

5. Then, click “Start” to officially enter battle, you’ll have to sign a signature (gas is not required) and allow our 1-time access to view all TOWER Battle Card NFTs in your wallet.

Deploy Troops — Pre-battle stage

At the pre-battle stage, organize your troops with your selected TOWER Battle Cards. You’ll see the Damage per Second (DPS) figure under each card. More details about DPS can be found in the “Damage Mechanism” section.

  • Keep in mind that regardless of card rarity, deploying 1 TOWER Battle Card requires your wallet to hold 10,000 Polygon TOWER Tokens (troop slots = number NFT of card NFTs you can deploy).
  • You can deploy up to 30 cards at a time, and there is no deployment limit as long as you hold enough Polygon TOWER tokens. It’s important to note that the cards will be isolated from your wallet after you confirm the deployment.

When you’re ready, click “Battle” to start your mission to defeat King Bullhead IX!

Battle with King Bullhead IX

After deploying your troops, you can view them on the battlefield along with your Total Damage Dealt, Damage per Second (DPS), and current Contribution percentage. Note that reward boosts are only visible when you deploy Hero Card NFTs. You can learn more about this in the Damage Mechanism section.

If you want to deploy more cards during the battle, follow these steps:

  1. Click on “Deploy More”.
  2. Select the additional troops you want to deploy, and then click “Deploy”.
  3. Your newly deployed troops will start attacking the boss immediately.

Damage Mechanism, Card Categories, Rarity, Affinities, and its Impact on Battle

About “Damage per Second” (DPS)

Every TOWER Battle Card has a “Damager per Second” (DPS) figure.

This card is having 6 DPS

All deployed cards will deal damage to King Bullhead every second

Every card has a basic DPS. However, its finalized DPS within battle could be affected by Card Rarity, Card Category, and might be affected by Card Affinity depending on the Season’s Boss.

For example, without any affinity dependency:

A Common Equipment card will deal 3 Damage per second, a Legendary Tower card will deal 9 Damage per second

Card Category

Similar to Crazy Defense Heroes Mobile game cards, there are 4 categories and 3 affinities on TOWER Battle Cards, all with different properties.

TOWER Battle Cards
  • There are 4 types of Game Card, including Equipment, Tower, Spell, and Hero Cards, each having respective category properties on Co-op Battle:
From Left to right: Equipment, Tower, Spell, Hero Cards

Card Properties:

Equipment Card: Deal an extra one-off Damage at the moment it’s deployed; on top of the ongoing base DPS

Tower Card: Have the highest DPS among the same rarity; exact figure reflected on #2

Spell Card: Each deployed Spell Card will contribute to activating the Battle Accelerator — which helps to deal great damage every 24 hours, please learn more about the Battle Accelerator in the next section

Hero: Provide additional boosts to your finalized token reward; calculation will only be done when the whole game is finished, the total amount will show on the “Rewards Boost” on battlefield — This will be explained more in the “Event Earning” section

Card affinity

  • There are 3 Affinities on TOWER Battle Cards, including Cloud, Sun, and Moon, please pay attention to the Affinity Buff and Debuff effect on card figure, it’ll vary depending on the boss.
Affinity From Left to right: Cloud, Sun, Moon
  • The Equipment Card is in neutral affinity
  • At Alpha Season, the Sun Affinity will have a 100% DPS buff (2x) to King Bullhead

Unity is Strength — Activating Battle Accelerator

Remember that you’re not alone on this battlefield! Every Spell Card deployed by the army will help activate the Battle Accelerators.

Once activated, they can deal significant damage every 24 hours. We believe these accelerators will be your most loyal companion in defeating King Bullhead IX.

Battle Accelerator Daily Damage figures

For example, the Common Battle Accelerator will be activated when there are 200 Common-ranked Spell Cards deployed on the battlefield, and it will deal 15M damage every day at UTC 00:00.

Meanwhile, the Legendary Battle Accelerator will be activated when 25 Legendary-ranked Spell Cards are deployed by all users. Then, it will deal an additional 75M damage every day. Combined with the Common Battle Accelerator, it will deal a total of 90M extra daily damage.

Event Earnings

The Co-op battle event prize pool is divided into 2 parts

  1. $TOWER Token Prize pool
  • Consists of a Basic prize pool of 250,000 TOWER + A completion prize pool of 750,000 $TOWER only when defenders are able to defeat King Bullhead before battle end date.
  • Prize pool will be distributed based on your Damage Contribution, if you’ve deployed Hero Card into the battlefield, you’ll get extra boosts on your finalized distribution.
  • e.g. If you eventually receive 1000 $TOWER, and you’ve deployed 1 Common & 2 Rare Hero Card NFTs, you’ll receive 1,000x(100%+0.1%+0.2%x2) = 1,005 $TOWER
Hero Cards Reward Boost percentage

Reward tokens claiming will be available around 2 weeks after the event ends.

2. Achievement Badge: All defenders will receive Badges by participating in the event (Learn more about TOWER Achievement Badge)

  • The player with the highest total damage will receive a Chief Warrior Badge, with the 2nd total damage will receive a Silver Warrior Badge, and with the 3rd will receive a Bronze Warrior Badge
  • The top 10% of Players who deal the most damage will receive a Warrior Badge NFT
  • Everyone who participated in the battle will receive a participation badge
Participation Badge (right) Warrior Badge (left)

Battle End Result

The Battle End Result will show your battle merits, e.g. number of cards deployed, damage dealt, total instant damage, and reward boost. Players can check the result in these 2 situations:

King Bullhead is defeated

  1. At this stage, you can check your contribution and the $TOWER rewards that come along.
  2. Rewards will show “0” if you haven’t finished the prerequisites:
  • To sign in at least 7 days on the Daily Star Chest at this moment
  • To recall all your deployed troops by the 10th-day day-end of the following month (UTC)

You’ll still have time to fulfill before campaign ends

Complete 7 days of Daily Star Chest check-in

Campaign ends

  1. This will appear regardless of the status of King Bullhead X.
  2. Rewards will show “0” and you won’t be able to complete the prerequisite to sign in at least 7 days on the Daily Star Chest, and recall troops before a specific date of the following month. Your share of the rewards of this battle will be forfeited. The amount will be added to the next round of Co-op battle.

Important notes: Prerequisites to participate in the battle and earn rewards

Remember to complete the below prerequisites before the campaign ends

  • Deploy at least 1 TOWER Battle Card NFT to participate in events. Note that the card NFTs deployed to the Co-op battle will not be present in your Battle Card inventory, and you won’t be able to recall them before the battle end date.
  • Therefore, if you want to earn rewards from Co-op Battle and other CDH Play-and-Earn events in the same month, you need at least 2 TOWER Battle Card NFTs. One NFT is used for troop deployment, and the other is kept in your inventory.
  • Players Must finish 7 days of Daily Star Chest check-in before the battle end date to earn TOWER; otherwise, all your entitled rewards will be forfeited afterward.
  • Hold enough Polygon TOWER Tokens in your wallet to unlock troop slots, each troop slot required you to hold 10,000 TOWER Tokens.
  • You’re also required to hold enough Polygon TOWER when recalling the troops, it requires 10,000 TOWER to recall 1 card; the same as unlocking 1 troop slot in the battle.
  • Remember to recall all your deployed troops by the 10 th-day day-end of the following month (UTC)


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Tower Ecosystem
Tower Ecosystem

Published in Tower Ecosystem

TOWER is the basis of an initiative by developer and publisher Animoca Brands to blend traditional Free-to-Play gaming with the Play-to-Earn potential of blockchain gaming.

Animoca Brands
Animoca Brands

Written by Animoca Brands

The leader in branded blockchain gaming. Animoca Brands website:

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