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Artificial Intelligence & Image Recognition
Note from the editor

Artificial Intelligence & Image Recognition

Go to the profile of Ashton Ghion
Go to the profile of Ashleigh Ayers
Ashleigh Ayers
Passionate marketer & designer
Go to the profile of Cameron Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
COO of TrademarkVision — image recognition and machine learning experts
Go to the profile of Andrea Epifani
Andrea Epifani
UX Designer & Developer at @TrademarkVision | Experimenting with @FlairFlights | Photographer | Traveler.
Go to the profile of Andres Sanin
Go to the profile of Cameron Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
COO of TrademarkVision — image recognition and machine learning experts
Go to the profile of Ashton Ghion
Go to the profile of Andrea Epifani
Andrea Epifani
UX Designer & Developer at @TrademarkVision | Experimenting with @FlairFlights | Photographer | Traveler.
Go to the profile of Ashleigh Ayers
Ashleigh Ayers
Passionate marketer & designer