#Ride4dApps train is coming

Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2019

Dear friends! Our team is pleased to announce that we proceed with full-scale testing of our upcoming products, written on the new Ride4dApps language. New Ride was launched in TestNet a month earlier.

New technologies require careful preparation before going into production, so we want to get ready and invite you to join us!

Starting from today, everyone can play Dice Roller in TestNet. To play you will need Waves Keeper and test WAVES. You can get test WAVES at this address https://wavesexplorer.com/testnet/faucet (no more than 1 time in 10 minutes).

If you think that playing in TestNet for test Waves is boring, then do not rush to conclusions. You will be surprised =)

We are launching a unique game seasons with a length of 1 week. During each season, you can play as many times as you like and score points in the player rating system. Players who score the most points at the end of the season will receive:

· 300 real WAVES (not test WAVES!) for the first place,

· 200 WAVES for the second place, and

· 100 WAVES for the third!

Rating points are reset with the start of each season. After the winners of the season are announced, if you win, in order to pick up your prize in MainNet, you will need to send a confirmation transaction in TestNet with your MainNet address in the attachment.

The first season starts on April 30 at noon 12:00 (Central European Time) and ends on May 7 at 12:00.

It should be stated beforehand that the game is in beta stage, so sometimes it may be partially or completely unavailable. The smart contract will be updated and refined until it is ready for release in MainNet.

Let’s play!

UPDATED June 14: Rating calculations

Please note that the rules of calculating the scoring points for the games have been improved. See the new rules along with examples here.

