MTF: My changes in the last year (Part 4) Weight Change, Body Shape…

Beauty Girl
A Trans Life
Published in
8 min readFeb 27, 2020

Weight, Body, the change that affected me and has been very interesting to really consider. It has been a journey and many things have changed in this time, but I can’t honestly contribute HRT as a result of all of it; here is why and more!

I want to take you on a long journey over the last year for me and how it has changed my life. The world around me perceives me in a different light, and I and others have noticed a mass amount of changes.

How much?

Like, let me tell you!

Weight Change

OMG, this is so out of the ordinary that I am not even sure that it really happened to me. Mmkay so I am sure that it happened to me because of the changes but it still feels unbelievable.

January of the last year 2019, I was carrying such a huge weight on my shoulders and on my hips. I couldn’t believe it and now I am blown away at what I have seen.

I weighed in at a Crazy 262 lbs.

That’s a lot of weight, and it was all due to being depressed and not caring about my body at all. I was still trying to get through the fact that I wasn’t on hormones, and I was not a girl at the time. I had been this weight for basically the last 10 years or so and never really cared about the way I looked.


It wasn’t because I didn’t care about my image, it was in general because it wasn’t me and I was just trolling along in a body that didn’t feel like my own. I was basically here for the ride and didn’t care what happen until depression got so bad that I had to come out and tell someone.

But in January 2019, everyone had known about my change for a while now, and I was getting ready to start hormones. I was so happy, so ecstatic and felt empowered to becoming myself finally after 33 years of repression.

I started a low Carb diet, and over the next 3 months I was on hormones, I managed to lose a lot of weight. Now my weight dropped from 262 lbs, down to 217 lbs. That was the largest drop of weight in my life and I never thought that I could ever do it. This was purely on me and not because of hormones, I know that for sure.

However, “April 2019 till now which is Feb 2019” I have not lost a single pound, in fact, I may have gained a few pounds since then, with being nervous about identity change and many other things. However, I am still under 220 lbs after all this time which is still amazing for me.

I do want to lower my weight some more but it so much harder than it felt like the first time around.

— “HRT was not a factor in my weight.” —

I don’t believe for one second that it had anything to do with my weight gain or loss because it is so small that I almost can’t even identify with the possibility.

But like anything, it is all based on the person and what they do with their life. I have been very sedimentary in my work ethics as I sit in front of a computer a lot –“That’s ok for me” —

Each person is different, and if you plan on losing weight I feel confident to say that hormones shouldn’t play that big of a roll in it.

Mmkay enough of weight change lets talk about…


OMG, like OMG… Okay, this is where things really get some interesting changes.

There is a whole world of difference in my body, and I swear I would have never ever seen the changes coming, never in my wildest dreams ever be so happy about my body shape changing then I am now.

“The best thing to have ever happened to me was getting on hormones and watching my body shape change.”

Naomi Lafae 2019

Mmkay, so like let me tell you what has changed about my body, but there are a few things you have to know, this will cover so much more than Body Shape Alone.

–“Body shape is all of my face, Boobs, hip, hands, butt, feet, and others.” –

I was amazed at the differences and I was also very proud and happy to see what would change, so I will start at my feet.


Feet, the giant in the playground for males but to females you want smaller feet; typically. So like in January I wanted female shoes so bad, really bad. The problem was, my foot was huge, well at least to me. I could fit my foot into a size of 10.5 males shoes in the USA. They say that women’s shoe sizes are 2 sizes larger than males when measuring the feet size. So in a women’s shoe, my foot should have been a size 12.5 shoe size. This was crazy for me because 95% of women’s shoes were size 11 or smaller.

Why I was so upset about it. I couldn’t believe that I would have the hardest time in the world to find a shoe size for me in a woman heel or more.

This was in January, but as I mentioned above I did lose weight and a lot of it. This played a large role in my shoe size, but not as much as I had hoped. By the time I had lost all this weight some 40+ lbs I still could barely fit my foot into a shoe size 11 women. I did it anyway because I was and will get my foot into some OMG amazing looking heels.

Well, several months had passed at this time to now.

I didn’t lose any more weight.

However, now my feet have changed size again, my foot feels really small inside a size 11 shoe. I went and tried on shoes at the store.

WHAT I screamed, calling for my wife.

HONEY…. I can foot my foot into a 9.5 women heels.

Ahhhhhh…. I was dancing for joy inside and was so happy. But it took several months of change to see this happen. I honestly am still not 100% sure this was HRT related but I believe that it had to be the only answer. What else could have altered my foot size this much, the weight loss?

Not even, it was 9–10 months ago that I lost the weight.

So in my unbelievable belief, I think that HRT had altered my foot size, and I went from a size 12.5 women to a 9.5 women shoe size.

The Booty and Hips

Moving up in reverse I want to get to my booty, yes this lovely little thing. I am proud to say that the weight redistribution has put a little extra in my booty. It is such a lovely feeling to feel it, and also when I walk you can feel a little bounce in it as it jiggles some.

Now, I don’t have a Massive butt, although it has improved in size.

I believe that this goes side by side with my hips, because not only did my butt increase in size, my hips did the same thing. I went from having practically no love handles what so ever to finding that when I look in the mirror with little to no clothing there are a good amount of hips now on my side that was never there.

When I put clothing on, even though I had lost weight previously, the hips were new. I didn’t see them showing up until I hit — nearly 12 months on HRT. — Eventually, things were nice to see in the mirror as my body started developing that female shape that I had desired for my entire life. And OMG I had a booty to go with it that filled out some of the nice pants I had.



Mmkay, so like moving on to my hands, to be totally honest with you, after my weight dropped back march I never saw my fingers or any part of my hand decreases in size. I guess hormones didn’t have any effect there. I was really hoping to make my hands smaller and not have manly hands. However, this was not the case.

My suggestion to you for this would be to learn to keep your fingers close together when resting them on your lap or in public to present a smaller hand tucking your thumb slightly under your hand to make your hand appear smaller. It helps a little but sadly there really isn’t much else you can do here.

Boobies, Boobies and more…

Right, something everyone loves so much… Well, I did go over this in a previous article that you can “check out here”. I will quickly mention that the size didn’t change much but the form looks better now than before.

The Face, OMG the face

There is so much about this that I am still not proud of but even after 1 year all the effects have not fully changed. The way I present myself has so it does change the way people see my face. If I don’t wear makeup then I still feel like I see my old self and that scares me, which is why I still sleep with makeup on so in the morning I don’t have to wake up to such a horrible image of my old self.

There have been some subtle changes in the way that my face looks mainly due to the laser treatments thinning my face hairs down drastically (beard). So a huge part of the shadow is now gone, but I still have so many male features that I can’t stand.

I would have to say that my face has changed some, mainly in the texture is smoother and maybe even have a glow to it sometimes. My cheeks are a little higher than they used to be and gives me a more round face, but the side of my face still looks very rough. I like to wear my hair down around my face to help prevent people from seeing the hard jawline.

There are a few tricks you can do with makeup to improve your appearance, but honestly, HRT will only take you so far on your face and it takes time. This has been the longest thing I had to wait for because of how long it takes before it takes effect.

There are changes, and it happens but HRT is not always perfect and you may consider that surgery will be your friend later down the road when you are ready to make the adjustments to clean up those features of your previous self.



Beauty Girl
A Trans Life

Primarily Talking About Trans folk Topics and LGBTQ+ Support. Occasionally off-topic for other matters. “She/her”