Go to Transform the Pain
Transform the Pain
Coping with emotional pain, grief, and loss
Note from the editor

Coping with emotional pain, grief, and loss

Go to the profile of Mateja Klaric
Mateja Klaric
Live to explore, for secrets abound. Stay in touch: https://matejaklaric.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Transform the Pain
Transform the Pain
Coping with grief and loss. Subscribe: https://transformthepain.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Mateja Klaric
Mateja Klaric
Live to explore, for secrets abound. Stay in touch: https://matejaklaric.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Claire Divino
Claire Divino
All things divine, (might be naughty) fantasies, light and darkness combined. Subscribe: https://clairedivino.substack.com/
Go to the profile of Transform the Pain
Transform the Pain
Coping with grief and loss. Subscribe: https://transformthepain.substack.com/
Go to the profile of The Divorce Dress
The Divorce Dress
The Divorce Dress is a collection of candid stories, haiku and photographs about relationship endings from around the globe
Go to the profile of Rachie Rach
Go to the profile of abeni doula
abeni doula
I am hurting like hell over the sudden, tragic loss of a Man who had given me so much Life in recent months.
Go to the profile of Tess Enterline
Tess Enterline
Writer. Former Hospital Chaplain. Creator — The Love Note Project. Fountain Pen Enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Jamie Nesbitt Golden
Jamie Nesbitt Golden
Writer. Misanthrope. Curmudgeon. Remarkably terse. Unabashedly profane. Fucking adorable. One-fifth of @NerdgasmNoire. One-half of @HoodFeminism.
Go to the profile of Isidra Mencos
Isidra Mencos
Writer. My memoir “Promenade of Desire—A Barcelona Memoir” comes out 10/11/22. https://isidramencos.com/book/
Go to the profile of Annjana
Trying to be a better story teller | Engineering Manager
Go to the profile of Shelby Forsythia | Grief Coach + Author
Shelby Forsythia | Grief Coach + Author
Tools, language, and support that help you grow through grief. 2X Author. Featured in Oprah Mag, Newsweek, HuffPost, Modern Loss. ♥ www.shelbyforsythia.com
Go to the profile of Georgia Mrkvicka Westphal
Georgia Mrkvicka Westphal
77 trips around the sun and I’ve learned some new things about myself. The most fascinating, to me is that I’m Trans, and autistic and a bunch of other crazy
Go to the profile of T'Obrahm
Go to the profile of Ross J. Edwards
Ross J. Edwards
I’m a philosophy PhD candidate at the New School in New York. I write mostly about how Wittgenstein's philosophy can be applied to everyday anxieties.
Go to the profile of R. Thierney LaDuke
R. Thierney LaDuke
Freelance writer, content strategist, who believes we can read & write ourselves into happier lives with better relationships
Go to the profile of Bruce K. Northern
Bruce K. Northern
On a constant journey of exploration and redefinition, writing and singing my way through a messy and beautiful world.
Go to the profile of Ameer
Spirituality — Law Of Attraction — Well Being, Growth Hacker, Business, Social Media, MBA, Writer
Go to the profile of jerianasmith
Go to the profile of Patsy Starke
Patsy Starke
Registered Nurse, Transgender Woman In a lifelong transition, Parent, Grandparent, Normal every day run of the mill person, realizing my place here.
Go to the profile of Laura Dorwart
Laura Dorwart
Culture, feminism, full-on strangeness. Words: Vice, Bitch, McSweeney’s, Catapult. PhD/MFA pending. https://tinyletter.com/lauramdorwart #binders @lauramdorwart
Go to the profile of Alana 🌴
Alana 🌴
Complex Trauma Release Specialist, helping women Overcome Complex Trauma WITHOUT spending years talking about their problems. www.wakeupjoyful.com
Go to the profile of Francesco Fico
Francesco Fico
I am a med-student, aspiring psychiatrist. Passionate about philosophy, mind, growth and happiness.
Go to the profile of Pat Villaceran
Pat Villaceran
➡ Mogul, author, social entrepreneur. Discover my multi-faceted world and my vision. 🖋’Vie la vie dans l’intérêt général, pour le sommum bonum.’
Go to the profile of Lu
Go to the profile of NostraDaMouse
INFJ, Quiet Wanderer, History Lover, Occasional Apologist, Struggling Vegan, Blue Collar Worker raising a human and four cats
Go to the profile of Miss Wren
Miss Wren
I’m an office worker by day, creative person by night. My goal is life is to be a little bit better than yesterday. http://misswrenwrites.com/
Go to the profile of Jessica Iachia
Jessica Iachia
I am a wellness coach & a spiritual finder. I love to write about self-development, healing, spirituality and poems | foodforsoul.guru
Go to the profile of Kelsey Jones
Kelsey Jones
Boston based Interior Designer and Writer. Creator of Conscious Life Collaborative. Mission: mindful living and community building.
Go to the profile of Signal In The Noise
Signal In The Noise
Just another ego floating in a great sea of egos. Always learning to swim. To float. Not to drown. Seeking a current to set me free.
Go to the profile of Danielle Nolan
Danielle Nolan
Fantasy writer, dragon rider, teacher, musical firefly, otaku, dreamer.
Go to the profile of Olivia Fletter
Olivia Fletter
25. Comm Major. Don’t follow me.
Go to the profile of Kaitlyn
New York-based introvert and amateur writer of fiction. I’m just here for fun.
Go to the profile of Andrew Londre
Andrew Londre
Accomplished public servant and former elected official turned civic & cultural commentator and consultant 🔗 andrewlondre.com
Go to the profile of kit_carmelite
Married 25 years. Retired SAS programmer from Statistics Canada. Member of Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites since 2008. Love chess..
Go to the profile of Modern Junkie Princess
Modern Junkie Princess
Degree in Counter Culture from the School of Hard Knocks. Lover of black cats and bad boys. Sun in Sagittarius, moon in Scorpio.
Go to the profile of BOFace
No woman ever murdered her husband while he was washing the dishes.
Go to the profile of Kaitlyn Wickson
Kaitlyn Wickson
Mutli-displinary wanderer of the tech and creative world. I develop code, write self-awareness blogposts and accasioanlly bake pie.