Go to Transgender Soapbox
Transgender Soapbox
Hi! I’m Stephenie. This is where I publish stuff like a Q&A column that’s more like Dear Abbey than the Savage Lovecast, trans and otherwise queer retellings of popular characters, and an absurd ratio of weird photoshops to memoir shorts
Note from the editor

Hi! I’m Stephenie. This is where I publish stuff like a Q&A column that’s more like Dear Abbey than the Savage Lovecast, trans and otherwise queer retellings of popular characters, and an absurd ratio of weird photoshops to memoir shorts

Go to the profile of Stephenie Magister ✨
Stephenie Magister ✨
| 40 Under 40 Nominee | Queer History with Step-Hen-ie | Former editor for award-winning and best-selling authors | https://linktr.ee/StephenieMagister