Showcasing Transient’s First dApp, Introducing TSC-Core

TSC-Core provides the ability for anyone, anytime to create a Smart Contract with no dev skills or tools required.

Transient Network
5 min readSep 1, 2021


The team at Transient continues to ideate and strives to bring high-value use cases incrementally and frequently into the real-world — being delivered in the form of additional dApps to service specific industries and use cases — in doing so creating a global marketplace and truly own being “the Amazon of Smart Contracts”.

Transient is a decentralised ecosystem built from the ground up to facilitate and increase blockchain adoption across every sphere of industry and life, hosting and enabling the instantaneous creation and distribution of a wide range of self-enforcing and self-executing Smart Contracts.

Transient is quickly becoming a key conduit between on-chain, off-chain and multi-chain interactions.

It all starts with the TSC-Core:

A 10,000 mile journey starts with one single step. That single step on our journey to disrupt and revolutionise the future is TSC-Core.

TSC-Core is built upon our rock-solid foundation and emphasises Transient’s design-led intuitive web portal, allowing a ‘choose your own adventure’ style of Smart Contract management and execution removing the need for users and partners to have any experience in complex programming or deep blockchain knowledge.

Whilst TSC-Core is the first step of our exciting (and much anticipated) journey ahead, we are delighted that the foundation of the Transient Network has been put to the test and exceeding expectations whether it’s user experience, accessibility or the breadth of use cases, we are thrilled of the progress and success of testing on Ethereum testnet, Kovan.

As you’ll see in our demo, our first iteration of TSC-Core provides the ability for anyone, anytime to create a Smart Contract with no dev skills or tools required. All you have to do is connect your MetaMask wallet and you’re set!

After your successful login via MetaMask you will be greeted with a UI that you would expect of a best-in-class application anywhere across the world-wide-web — providing everything you need within a couple of clicks. From here you can see your current, expired and future Smart Contracts that you have created (as the ‘Creator) or have been invited to participate in (as the ‘Partner).

You as the ‘Creator’ of the contract:

To ensure our dApp is delivering to ours and our users expectations from day 1, we will be going live with 5 key functions — each of these functions provides a base for transactional-based Smart Contracts and gives an opportunity to use any or all of these contract attributes to drive your various use cases — the functions are:

  1. Deposit ETH: Allows a ‘Creator’ to create a Smart Contract where the ‘Partner’ is required to deposit a specific value of ETH into the ‘Creators’ linked wallet address to fulfill the contract
  2. Deposit ERC-20: Similar to above, allowing a ‘Creator’ to create a Smart Contract where the ‘Partner’ is required to deposit a specific value of ERC-20 token into the ‘Creators’ linked wallet address to fulfill the contract
  3. Transfer ETH: Allows a ‘Creator’ to create a Smart Contract where the ‘Partner’ is required to transfer a specific value of ETH to a wallet address — which may or may not be linked to the ‘Creator’
  4. Transfer ERC-20: Similar to above, allowing a ‘Creator’ to create a Smart Contract where the ‘Partner’ is required specific value of ERC-20 token to a wallet address — which may or may not be linked to the ‘Creator’
  5. Digital signature: Provides the ability for the ‘Creator’ to set a Digital Signature requirement which is then validated prior to Smart Contract expiry

You’re now just a few clicks away from creating immutable, transparent and precise Smart Contracts.

Use Cases Depending On What You Need:

Utilising these functions can be done in an isolated or coupled way, where depending on the use case you are trying to fulfill you can create a Smart Contract to meet your needs.

Once you have defined what’s needed, you will then have the ability to set parameters to enable self-execution and self-termination. These additional functions are set as time values and allows the ‘Creator’ to set an expiry and also a time-bound countdown from the time the ‘Partner’ accepts the contract’s terms.

Best of all, in addition to having the Smart Contract fulfilled by the ‘Partner’, the ‘Creator’ can assign a ‘Reward’ value which will allow the ‘Partner’ to receive a specific ETH or ERC-20 token value for completing the required actions.

Once again, self-executing and no need to move out of TSC-Core. Think of how hassle-free that next seed or private allocation funding requests are going to be? You would be able to loop each of your ‘Partners’ into a Smart Contract and manage value, token-type and expiry all in a couple of clicks — no more emails or IMs.

You as the ‘Partner’:

Jumping over to the ‘Partner’ journey and you will be in the same aesthetically pleasing UI that you would be when creating a Smart Contract, however, you will now be presented with options to ‘Approve’ the Smart Contract, ‘Start Timing’ (where there are time-bound parameters) and ‘Complete’ each of the required functions without leaving TSC-Core.

No more needing to switch between browsers, with copy and paste mayhem of your wallet addresses, it’s going to as easy as the above steps mentioned to fulfill your side of the contract.

The Amazon of Smart Contracts:

If you have missed it, check out our roadmap here. TSC-Core is our first of many dApps to be released on the Transient Network and allows the team to validate our assumptions around our ecosystem, what our users want and ensure we continue to inspect and adapt based on your feedback.

It also sets the team up well to push on with planned integrations with HECO-chain and Binance Smart Chain to extrapolate our reach and optimise cost for our users. It is imperative we continue to look for opportunities to extend our core offering as this will be the catalyst for driving scalability and enablement of use cases across our network — and as a result building out our global marketplace at pace.

The team is beyond excited to get TSC-Core onto mainnet and is currently going through UAT and audits to ensure it is bulletproof when launched.

TSC-Core isn’t the only dApp that will be ready to launch over the next couple of months, with our second dApp trailing closely behind — if you think you know crypto markets (like we all think we do!) and like to put your money where your mouth is, you want to make sure you’re keeping close to all things Transient.

Now you’ve got the theory, check out the demo and let us know what you think at the links below — we’re excited and you should be too!

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