Transient Partners with Omniscia — Leaders in Smart Contract Security

Servicing over 50 clients, includingPolkadex (PDEX) and Kusama (KSM), Omniscia’s track record made it an easy decision.

Transient Network
2 min readSep 6, 2021


Transient is happy to announce it has taken another step towards its highly anticipated main-net launch by partnering with Omniscia — leaders in Smart Contract security.

Omniscia will provide a range of audit services for Transient, kicking off with Smart Contracts for TSC-Core: another vital step in releasing our first dApp into the wild.

As the team looked for a preferred partner to utilise now and into the future, it was clear that Omniscia’s track record in this space was second to none — servicing over 50 clients, including Fetch.AI (FET), Alliance Block (ALBT), Polkadex (PDEX) and Kusama (KSM) to name a few, the results spoke for themselves and the decision in the end, was a simple one.

On top of TSC-Core, Transient and Omniscia will work closely together to execute Transient’s mission of bringing to life its global marketplace and bringing the world the ‘Amazon of Smart Contracts’.

When asked about the opportunity to partner with Transient, Omniscia said:

“Transient has an ambitious mission and the team is truly passionate about their products. We are delighted to be able to play a small part in achieving their goals by leveraging our team of security experts to conduct a thorough audit of their smart contracts.”

About Transient

The Amazon of Smart Contracts — an ecosystem built from the ground up to facilitate and increase blockchain adoption across every sphere of industry and life.

Find us on: Twitter | Telegram| Announcements | Website

About Omniscia

Leader in Smart Contract security helping startups and enterprises design, build and secure complex decentralized networks & applications.

Found them on: Website | Twitter | Medium | Enquiry

