18 Artificial Intelligence Marketing Trends for 2018

Michael Teitelman
Published in
6 min readMar 2, 2018

Every year, we look for the best marketing techniques that are going to lead us to victory in our own niche. Unfortunately, it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends with everybody saying different things and this is why we’ve decided to create this definitive guide to what you can expect in 2018. In total, we have 18 trends and you can use one, a handful, or all as the year goes on!


First and foremost, consumers seem to be looking for personalization more and more these days because the days of buying products with no interaction with a company are over. This year, you should be looking to tailor your content just as Netflix suggests shows for each user based on their history. The more you can personalize your special offers and overall service, the more your consumers will be willing to recommend your service to others.

Augmented Reality

Thanks to the iPhone X and 8, we can see exactly where Apple is heading; augmented reality. However, it isn’t just Apple since Amazon and many other huge brand names are investing in the idea. As more devices go mainstream, companies will be playing around with AR-branded and AR-sponsored content so why not get ahead by starting it off for your market?

Artificial Intelligence

With the likes of the Amazon Echo and others, AI is quickly making its way into the home which means consumers are also looking for it with their experience with companies. If you can utilize AI technology as a live chat tool on your website, your customers can receive quicker answers to their questions and you can save money rather than hiring a full customer support team.

Quantitative Marketing

If we look at the likes of Kraft and Unilever, they’re now copying many tech companies by hiring data-science teams who work alongside marketers. This year, the practice is set to continue because companies are quickly recognizing the value of data when attempting to grow.

Voice-Optimized Content

According to one source, voice search accounted for 20% of all searches in 2017 and this shows the growth it has enjoyed. Considering this is expected to reach 50% in 2020, all companies would be wise to set themselves up for this in the coming months. Since voice searching is much easier than typing, consumers like it but they talk very differently to the way they type. Therefore, your keywords will be long-tail such as questions as opposed to single words.

In-Car Ads

Not only is the Waymo fleet of self-driving cars progressing in simulations, Uber is also investing heavily in 24,000 Volvo SUVs with an eye on a self-driving future. Each year, more of the huge car manufacturers release self-driving (autonomous) features so what will drivers do as they travel? Consume content of some description. With this in mind, we expect companies to experiment with this brand-new marketing channel.

Growth of Instagram

After around twelve months of going live, Instagram Stories is now more popular than Snapchat; the platform also believes to host 800 million active monthly users. With these two stats alone, it shows how far Instagram has come…but they still have room in which to grow. If you aren’t using Instagram, we highly recommend you get started because research shows better engagement on Instagram than all other platforms. Of course, only take this step if your target market can be found on Instagram otherwise the move won’t be worthwhile.

Privacy Protection

Sadly, 2017 could be considered the year of the breaches whether it was the 143 million left vulnerable by Equifax or even the DNC email hack. With this in mind, consumers have one thing on their mind; security. Even if not all consumers take this mindset, the government will start to focus on security this year so it will be an effective move. In the European Union, all countries and companies must now adhere to ‘GDPR’ rules with regards to protecting consumer data.

Live Events

When it comes to effective techniques, you won’t find too many that surpass live events this year. Last year, some of the most successful brands hosted an annual event which brought the press, existing customers, and prospective customers into one room and this includes Google, Salesforce, and Airbnb.

The Death of Twitter?

Although not a popular thought for many, it’s fair to say Twitter’s growth has stunted recently and the platform has taken its eye off the improvement side of things. Today, marketers seem to be focusing on other social media websites as a result. In 2018, this will continue and we’ll see Facebook carry on its dominance while the likes of Instagram and Pinterest become more popular.

Multichannel Cold Outreach Campaigns

When it comes to cold emails, the response rate is horrifically low and this will continue its path downwards as consumers recognize junk mail more effectively. For the very best marketers, they will spread their wings and utilize digital ads and various other channels alongside emails. As the main example, we’ve seen an incredible rise in popularity for Twilio which allows for text messages.

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Machine Learning

Suddenly, businesses are questioning why they should pay digital marketing agencies when machine learning platforms can manage ad campaigns more effectively. For example, Trapica and Acquisio use machine learning and algorithms to continually optimize ad spending over a period of time. As long as the user sets parameters, the program will constantly assess the market and how to improve results.

Predictive Lead Scoring

How do we find the prospects who are most likely to become customers? Predictive lead scoring. With a simple email address, tools such as Infer can search the web for the signals that suggest a buyer is ready to make their decision. From here, all leads can be arranged in order of their score and businesses can focus on those most likely to become customers with a little help.

Growth of LinkedIn?

We’ve seen a drop at Twitter, but will there be growth with LinkedIn? According to experts, the improvements the platform has made is helping. Last year, the website was revamped and given a whole new interface while the ad platform was also improved significantly. With more changes planned by LinkedIn, B2B marketers will spend more time on the platform and it’s clear to see why.

Consumer Expectations

With technology always expanding, the expectations of consumers are always growing and this isn’t likely to change in 2018. For example, same-day delivery, content on demand, and voice assistants are just three features now expected around the country. With this in mind, B2B and B2C marketers need to get creative in the ways they keep consumers happy enough to stick with a brand.

Virtual Reality Questioned?

For many years, it seems as though we’ve been waiting for VR to explode into life but it hasn’t really impacted any market other than the gaming industry. For businesses, this comes as a huge relief because to use a controlled POV (point of view) in content would have been incredibly tough. Instead, it seems as though AR (augmented reality) will take charge and big brands are already investing heavily in this corner of the market.

Influencer Marketing

Although influencers are currently under the microscope somewhat, 19 of every 20 marketers who use influencers regularly say the investment is worthwhile. With influencers getting stronger, whether on YouTube or any other platform, companies will continue to look in their direction for even a simple mention of their brand name.

In terms of content alone, younger audiences are starting to differentiate the natural content from the staged advertising so they’re looking for the former more often. If brands can have their brand mentioned in a subtle way, this is likely to lead to results.

Fall from Grace for Gated Content

Finally, gated content has been the method of generating leads for B2B marketers for many years. However, many platforms are now un-gating content and this includes the likes of Zendesk and Hubspot. Why? Because they want a stronger organic search presence.


In 2018, we’re sure to be hit by some surprises and some of these predictions may not come to fruition as expected. This being said, they are 18 trends that have been predicted by marketing experts around the world. If you can take advantage of what we’ve suggested, you’ll be in a great position this year!

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