Crabbing in Tillamook Bay — 2016

Chris Teso
Always Choose Adventure
3 min readOct 4, 2016

Once again a great group of guys and I headed out to the Oregon Coast for a couple days of crabbing and camaraderie. Thanks again to JLL, Voyager Capital and SVB for making trips like this possible. You really know how to take care of your people, and drink a metric shit-ton of wine while doing it. A recipe for success.

The trip started on Thursday night with master hostman Bruce sou vide-ing some Ribeyes. They came out perfect, and pretty much made my stomach fall deeply in love with Bruce. Props to Eric for looking on menacingly, like an herb butter warden ensuring Bruce slathered the steaks before serving.

The evening’s dishes also included grilled oysters, shucked by yours truly, and grilled up by Craig.

We enjoyed the nice beach house and golden hour while chowing down on the vittles.

The next morning we awoke early to head out to Tillamook bay to drop some pots. The bay was beautiful as usual with its glassy water and fog laden hills.

We headed out and dropped a couple of pots in the bay first.

Then we headed out the mouth of the bay into open ocean to drop some more pots and do some salmon fishing.

Then the fog rolled in and things got cold and the swells picked up a bit. We manned up while all the other boats tucked tail and ran.

After a good soaking we decided to head back to pull up the pots, and get back to some sun in the bay.

We headed home after a good haul to enjoy another awesome meal.

Thanks again, guys. Awesome time.

