Michael Coletta, Research and Innovation Manager at Phocuswright, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

We are happy to welcome Michael to Travel Tech Con 2018! Michael will present the latest report on the State of Travel Startups & will lead a workshop on successful…

Alex Kaufman, Investment Associate at JetBlue Technology Ventures, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

We are excited to welcome Alex to Travel Tech Con 2018! Alex will lead an interactive workshop and will represent our community long time supporters and sponsors —…

Gianni Cataldo, Director of Research Development at ATPCO, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

We are happy to welcome Gianni joining Travel Tech Con 2018 judges team! With over twenty years of leadership experience in global travel technology companies, Gianni is an innovative…

Matias Pietilä, Head of Design at Qvik, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

We are happy to welcome Matias joining us for Travel Tech Con 2018! Matias is an usability expert with a strong focus on mobile design and during past 10 years he’s been involved in more than 100 projects, creating…

Ambar Januel, Creative Strategy & Community Consultant, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

We are happy and excited to welcome Ambar to Travel Tech Con 2018! Looking forward to learning more on community building for startups at Ambar’s workshop on June 8.

Boyd Cohen, Co-founder of IoMob, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

Super excited to welcome Boyd to Travel Tech Con 2018! Smart cities, urban mobility and Blockchain have been our personal favorite topics for a while and we’re looking to learn a great deal from Boyd’s keynote on June 9th.

Rama Poola, CEO at SkyHi, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

Great to see our friends at SkyHi joining us for Travel Tech con 2018 to moderate a killer panel on the future of air mobility — expect tons of good insights and perspectives from the top innovators in the space!

Juan Iván Martín, Head of Innovation at IATA, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

Happy to welcome Juan to Travel Tech Con 2018 and thank you for this amazing opportunity for our travel startups community to learn more about airline industry from years and years of innovation…

Susan Ying, VP of Technology Strategy at Ampaire, joins Travel Tech Con 2018

We are happy and excited to welcome Susan to Travel Tech Con 2018 — looking forward to learning big time from Susan’s experience as the President of International Council of Aeronautical Science and…