My Journey in Trendyol Career Gym

Bruno Nascimento
Trendyol Group
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2023

In conversation with Servet, HR Business Partner

In In today’s rapidly changing world, embarking on a new role can be an exciting opportunity to explore new possibilities. It requires a growth mindset, resilience, and a willingness to embrace new challenges. Recently, I spoke with Servet Ünal about her career journey in Trendyol and the valuable lessons she learned along the way. Her journey is inspiring and highlights Trendyol’s strong commitment to personal growth.

Bruno: Hello Servet! Please introduce yourself and tell us about your role at Trendyol.

Servet: Hi Bruno! Sure, let me give you a brief overview. I started my journey with Trendyol as HRBP of the Growth teams. About two years ago, I also took over the HRBP responsibility for our international teams, where we set up offices and teams in four countries. Recently, however, I decided to join the HRBP team of our giant Technology team. While I continue to lead the HR processes of our international team, getting to know the HR processes of Tech teams is a whole new era for me. Let me share one of our cultural quotes that inspired me throughout this decision: “Anyone who isn’t embarrassed by who they were last year probably needs to be learning more.”

Bruno: What initially attracted you to your role and made you join Trendyol?

Servet: To be honest, I wasn’t actively looking for a new job at the time. However, the opportunity to join a dynamic company like Trendyol was so attractive and challenging that I couldn’t resist. From the very first moment of my hiring process, I was greeted by a clear purpose for what we do, the opportunity to grow, and infinite chances to connect with and be part of a larger team. I even remember the quote on the wall: “Today’s performance is the minimum requirement for tomorrow. It was a vital clue for me to conceptualize how challenging but fruitful my life will be in Trendyol. After a quick and reassuring two-week interview, I knew Trendyol was the right choice.

Bruno: Can you share the key moments or factors that made you consider changing your HRBP role from growth to technology and international operations?

Servet: The first six months in a company are usually the time when you decide if you want to stay for the long term. The daily challenges and changes at Trendyol made me feel productive and motivated. After almost four years as an HRBP for Growth team, I sought a new challenge and wanted to push my limits. With the support of my leader, I decided to shift my focus to the Technology and International Operations hr domains.

Bruno: How did Trendyol’s culture and environment support your decision for this rotation?

Servet: Trendyol has a great culture of growth and internal mobility. When new business models emerge, the company looks for people to move into these new areas, relying on internal resources. Additionally, our leaders mentor their team members who have been in a position for more than two years to increase their responsibilities or modify their roles to speed up their development. This supportive environment and availability of resources made my role transition smooth and encouraged me to take on new challenges.

Bruno: What key insights did you gain about the technology team during your role transition?

Servet: The transition to the technology team required me to familiarize myself with the language and jargon used in the field. I had to understand the technologies and programming languages used at Trendyol to work effectively with the tech teams. I wholeheartedly realized that I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn. Furthermore, this journey gave me the invaluable experience of collaborating with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, many of whom possessed skill sets distinct from those on the growth team. While there is still much to absorb, I am fully prepared and enthusiastic about the opportunities for growth and learning that lie ahead.

Bruno: Can you elaborate on how the teamwork culture in Trendyol played a role in enriching your skills during this transition?

Servet: In Trendyol culture, we believe that sharing is the mother of learning. I’m fortunate to have the support of the current Tech HRBPs to help me navigate this new journey. It emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration in Trendyol culture. We are a true team here, united by one dream, and I really enjoy it!

Bruno: What lessons have you learned about personal and professional growth during your career at Trendyol?

Servet: I’ve learned several important lessons during my journey here. Firstly, ensuring a smooth transition for the teams I’m joining is crucial so that the overall employee experience is not negatively affected. Setting clear priorities and having a strategy in place from the outset is also essential to avoid overlooking crucial aspects. Finally, asking for help, asking questions, and actively learning are key to fostering personal and professional growth. I’m grateful for the supportive environment at Trendyol, which has made my career journey very productive and fulfilling.

Bruno: Thank you, Servet, for sharing your journey and insights. Seeing how your transition has positively impacted you and your teams’ development is inspiring.

Servet: Thank you, Bruno! I’m grateful for the opportunity and support I’ve been given. I look forward to continuing my growth in my new role and contributing to the success of both HR and Technology at Trendyol.

Trendyol highlights the importance of rotations for development and job enrichment. By embracing change, remaining adaptable, setting priorities, seeking support, and fostering collaboration, we can confidently navigate career transitions and emerge as stronger individuals. Trendyol’s commitment to personal growth and empowerment inspires all, urging us to explore new horizons and push our own boundaries continually. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. So why not embark on your own dynamic career change today? Join us on LinkedIn and explore our #LifeatTrendyol, and remember to hit that subscribe button on our YouTube channel for exclusive behind-the-scenes sneak peeks!

