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Angular, Node.js and Official NestJS Consulting from Open-source fanatics and Key Contributors.
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Angular, Node.js and Official NestJS Consulting from Open-source fanatics and Key Contributors.

Go to the profile of Mark Pieszak
Mark Pieszak
Trilon Co-Founder (Trilon.io) — Next level Consulting from Open-source fanatics and key contributors. >> Angular Universal core team >> NestJS Core Team
Go to the profile of Kamil Mysliwiec
Kamil Mysliwiec
Creator of NestJS. Co-Founder of Trilon.io. Google Developer Expert. International Speaker, Trainer, OpenSource (OSS) enthusiast. https://nestjs.com
Go to the profile of Mark Pieszak
Mark Pieszak
Trilon Co-Founder (Trilon.io) — Next level Consulting from Open-source fanatics and key contributors. >> Angular Universal core team >> NestJS Core Team