How to vote for Super Representatives

Published in
4 min readJun 7, 2018

TRON hopes all supporters will take part in the historic election on June 26th. We have made the voting process easy to do with these simple steps.

Step 1: Go to and sign in to your account.

Step 2: Be sure that your TRON balance has at least 1 TRX. To add money to your wallet, use your public address (found in the How-To Create a Wallet walkthrough) to send money to your wallet. Your balance will be shown in the far-right red letter box.

Step 3: To vote for a Super Representative, you will need to make sure that your TRX is frozen. This will create “Tron Power” and give you power to vote. This does not cost you TRX, it will only lock them for a period of 3 days. During these three days, your TRX cannot be traded. Only after can you unfreeze the tokens and trade as you normally would. Click the “Freeze” button to freeze the tokens and create the Tron Power.

Step 4: Enter in how many TRX tokens you would like to freeze. You must confirm that you understand that the TRX tokens will be frozen for at least 3 days. Click “Freeze Balance” to proceed.

Step 5: You will be notified that your tokens (and how many) have been successfully frozen.

Step 6: In the “Tron Power” tab, you will have the option to freeze more tokens, unfreeze ones locked up, and “vote for Super Representative.” Click on this link to go to the voting page.

Step 7: On the “Tron Voting” page, you will see the display which shows the time until the next round of voting, total votes and the team with the most ranks gained. Click the red box that says “Click Here to Start Voting” to begin the voting process.

Step 8: Select the Super Representative Candidate that you would like to vote for. To add votes to this SR, click the green + button to add votes. You can add as many or as little as you like. Press the red “ — “ button to remove votes.

Step 9: Once you have entered as many votes as you would like for the SR Candidate, click the green “Submit Votes” button.

Step 10: You will be notified that your vote was successful.

Please Note: Your votes will be go into effect when the next voting cycle starts. You may redistribute your votes any time you like before the next voting cycle.

Step 11: On your account page, your TRX balance will reflect how many TRX you locked up into your Tron Power. Remember: This does not cost you any TRX. This freeze is temporary and your TRX will be available (once unfrozen) within 3 days.

We are excited to have the TRON community take part in this democratic process of candidacy and voting. We urge all TRON supporters to vote on June 26th and be a part of TRON history!

