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Tropicult Miami
Tropicult Miami
Your Music & Culture Guide to the Magic City
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How to Enter the Fordista Micro-Film Contest in 3 Easy Steps

Fuel Your Inspiration - Enter the Fordista Film Contest!

Following a super fun (and successful) interactive pop-up at FilmGate’s Tech Playground last month, the…

MIFFecito: Top 3 Picks

By Mariana Ochoa

In Miami, we love our “cafecito” time, giving ourselves a boost of energy and a moment to exchange stories with each other. With this idea in mind, Miami International Film Festival is set to host MIFFecito, a mini film festival designed to give…

What Makes A Great Script

Indie Tips via Indie Film Club Miami

A wise professor once told me when making a film, you can take risks on one of these three elements: the director, the script, or the cast. The other two elements should be solid.