Confess your Sins, Sinners!

Christine Stevens
True Confessional
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2 min readFeb 24, 2021
Photo by Bundo Kim on Unsplash

Exciting month at True Confessional. We invite all of you to get something off your chest this March and publish something with us. Here are some highlights:

Being Hit On By Guys, by the great Christine herself!

This piece analyzes that sticky subject of sexual advances toward women in the post me-too era, but it does it with irony and cheekiness so I hope you like it.

A Fun Quiz

These Wives Divorced Cheating Husbands After Spotting Suspicious Details in Selfies

I published this one today in Sexual Tendencies, and if you like quizzes you might enjoy it, so I will give it a mention here as well:

Talking With Alexa

Terry Truman confesses his sexual fixation with the personal assistant app. Very funny. Also, check out the pub for more Terry wit and poesy.

Shot Down in School

Wecome to new confessor Alan Asnen. We hope to hear a lot more from him.

Stanley Tucci in a Henley

Loyal writer GB Rogut confesses her love to the sexy Tucci. And thanks, Gaby, now I know what a Henley is!

Thanks to all you readers and writers. Have a great Spring, next time I write it will probably be summer, and life will be even closer to back to normal!





Christine Stevens
True Confessional

Funny lady, writer of satire and sex, proud Californian. Like me? You can buy me a coffee here: Cheers!