I Reached My Goal.

Victor Ofoegbu
True Motility
Published in
1 min readJan 26, 2019

I’ve written every day for the last 50days. (Dec 7 — Jan 26). The goal was to learn a lot about showing up every day, communication in few words and finding people who were also passionate about writing.

Most of the goals were met and here’re some lessons along the way.

1. It doesn’t matter what you write about, just write.
2. Keep the word count as low as possible. (I never wrote above 200 words).
3. Follow people who write every day. (I read Seth Godin’s blog every day for 50days).

Every other person will tell you a lot of things, but these 3 things matter 90%. Maybe in the future, I’ll do some other writing challenge. But it’s most likely not. I plan on channeling that time into something more directly related to the craft of design.



Victor Ofoegbu
True Motility

Product-Focused Software Engineer. Learning to design & build digital experiences