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Donald Trump

Since the inauguration, Dr. Ari Kohen has been publishing detailed, daily reports summarizing all the hijinx of the Trump White House.
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Special Saturday Russian Edition

President Trump reportedly became enraged and lashed out at Senior Staff after Attorney General Jeff Sessions decided to recuse himself from any investigations about the connections between the Trump campaign and Russia, deciding at the last minute to leave Steve Bannon…

Week 6, Friday

Vice President Mike Pence used a personal email account for state business as Governor of Indiana and was hacked. Pence defended himself, alleging there was no comparison between his situation and Secretary Hillary Clinton’s.

Week 6, Thursday

Attorney General Jeff Sessions held his first press conference today to declare that he didn’t lie to Congress during his confirmation hearing; he simply omitted any mention of his two meetings with the Russian ambassador because he didn’t think of those meetings as related to the question about…

Week 6, Monday

President Trump will put together a budget that includes a $54B increase in military spending. He will balance this spending with large cuts to the EPA and State Department, as well as to social safety net programs that don’t benefit retirees. This sets up a potential showdown with Rep. Paul Ryan, who…

Week 4, Authoritarian Saturday Interlude

Yesterday afternoon, Trump tweeted that the media were enemies of the American people, something you pretty much only hear in authoritarian dictatorships. In his first tweet, he didn’t name all the outlets he wanted to specifically blast so he deleted it and…